amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 Mar 08:18 [2303010818] ….. points out the current ongoing situation on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/27/openai_ceo_agi/

Your Futures Belong to Us is Not a Dead Trojan Horse You can Flog, but its IT and AI is ‽ .

🙂 In your 0day dreams, cyberdemon ….. were drivel and tripe are the stuff of nightmares and daemons, the staples of contrived corrupted fake realities vainly ignoring the emerging almighty possibilities El Reg and A.N.Others into situation publishing report and comment upon.

There’s a lot going on out there in the weird and wonderful pioneering worlds of leading augmented virtualised reality, cyberdemon, which nothing and no one is able to stop exploring and engaging exploiting and exploding systemic human vulnerabilities as they see fit for a Greater Future Good.

Denying it be so, is cold comfort indeed, proving as it does that one hasn’t a clue about what has transpired and be happening all around you without any ridiculous need or heeding of disagreeable and disruptive input/output .

You might like to ask your masters/leaders if they know of that self same situation they be in. Their unambiguous unequivocal answer of either “Yes, we know” or “No, we don’t know” …. which more accurately now would be “No, we didn’t know” ….. would be a difficulty for them which they have no practical remedy for going forward, methinks. What think thee?


amanfromMars Wed 1 Mar 16:48 [2303011648] ….. points out a growing danger on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/27/openai_ceo_agi/

This is surely easy to understand although maybe difficult to believe

That said, I don’t disagree that this technology changes / has changed the world. It’s a new arms race, and a bloody dangerous one. …. cyberdemon

Yes, indeed, it most certainly has, cyberdemon, and the new IT and AI arms race is most definitely bloody dangerous and especially so for both that and those presuming themselves to be still in prior established administrative charge but no longer in manipulated narrative and human perception command and control with the issuance of similarly crafted old world order orders.

The real danger now for them, are the people who actually trusted their outputs realising their inputs were orders of magnitude more useful for the automation of fraud, misinformation, propaganda and exclusive self-centred enrichment etc. than anything else.

They aint gonna be happy and contented, are they, and they would be due in cold and cruel worlds both their pound of flesh and generous compensation in recognition of their wanton unnecessary suffering at the hands of those whose hearts and minds they were told and believed were working for them, and in their best interests.


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