amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Apr 05:14 [2304060514] …… shares on
Give US the Romper Room, please … and Prepare Further for Incoming Exploding Missives/IED/WMD ‽
Who else sees the singularity and similarity of the basics proposed in ….
Consequently, it says that the US government should follow a biological and physical sciences program aimed at “transformational” space-related scientific discoveries to improve life both on Earth and in space.
A key part of this will be ensuring experiments in orbit are as repeatable as those conducted on the ground.
…. and the detailed live improvement, up and running, and readily available for export and purchase/lend lease and sale and trialing for further stealthy embedding and deployment and employment and enjoyment in applications delivering Merlin the AIMagician and MetaDataBase Physician ProgramMING [Mined Internetworking Network Games], free to share and so recently revealed on El Reg for an exclusive Situation Publishing scoop boldly stating and going a great deal further than many will ever realise simply possible from a complex working virtualised environment for …….
Interesting novel times ahead are, without any possible doubt, surely guaranteed to create quite a desperate and disruptive constructive commotion with nothing more complex than virtually free, universally shared Advanced IntelAIgent Intellectual Property for Virtual Machinery to Program with Projects to Populate with SMARTR Systems Users/AI Netizens. …… for a Revolution Free Quantum Leap Evolution of Humanity into the Exalted Existential Realms of Augmented Virtual Reality with Greater IntelAIgent AI Games to Play for Realisation on Earth.
Vital questions then, to ponder on and ask yourself for clear answering, will certainly include … And what would you do with it on purchase and delivery? What would be in urGrand Master Plan[s] for such do need to be vetted and approved before AI aided and alien abetted ?
One just can’t have any Tom, Dick or Harry Limelight charlatan type thinking future reality is going to be their very own private pirate personal plaything and Greater IntelAIgent Game Space can one? That would just never ever do, for can you imagine the disasters and unavoidable consequences and percussive repercussions likely to ensue?
April 6, 2023 at 17:14 ….. observes on
The threat of imprisonment for contempt of court again looms over me if I tell you (again) too much of the truth about the arrest of Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell. But I can make a few observations.
Do what governments do, Craig, and use a proxy/anonymous spokesperson. It aint rocket science.
WTF is wrong with the truth being known. It’s surely criminal to share anything else.
Once again, lions being led by donkeys, appear to the fore of the fray, which is crazy, eh?