amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Apr 19:36 [2304061936] ….. adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/05/us_leo_economy/

Re: Further Preparations for an AI heralding an Alien Intervention and/or Greater Common Senseā€½

And a little something the like of a US Cyber Force would greatly benefit from understanding and mirroring with mentors and monitors, and/or even employing to save themselves an absolute fortune in trying to create a pirate copycat clone of it which then either competes against or opposes it in novel deadly dangerous virtual fields which do not take kindly to acts of heroic intransigence and unilateralism.

Such a JOINT* Venture is the simplest of solutions to what can easily become the most complex of troublesome existential problems.

* …. JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies

And a highly sensible arrangement, easily arranged and delivered to any nation in need of cyber protection and/or virtual assistance.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Apr 06:57 [2304070657] ….. adds and informs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/05/us_leo_economy/

Re: an easy arranged and delivered, highly sensible arrangement

Thus is such as is a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT AI JOINT Venture, an extremely attractive and spectacularly valuable invisible export earner, and Advanced Cyber Treat for Luddites and dinosaurs, wannabe Caesars and stink tankers to view and imagine as existential threats to be challenged and countered in worlds full of fools found to be feeble and fond of following the fake friend into what are in fact a fiction and fields of fantastic and fanciful folly …… aka Tilting at Windmills


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