amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Apr 05:06 [2304050506] …… asks on
Take US to your leader[s] …. if you have one[any]
So, now that government knows that it does not lead with private enterprise as the main source of innovation for defence and intelligence applications, and be assured and/or terrified in equal measure that private enterprise taking over from government as the main source of innovation for defence and intelligence applications is fully aware of its national, international and internetional security implications, what would be governments’ best course of future action to prevent its almighty failure, for private enterprise today which has evolved and is revolting and flexing ITs Muscles is asking and ready to deliver …. as was shared with you again as recently as yesterday, here on El Reg via Food for Thought and to Choke Over
Purchase it might be a good first option to try, seeing as how it is the normal human default go to form of command and control exercised by systems in distress or in avaricious awe of opposition and competition, and it’s only pretty printed paper you’ll be exchanging/spending/expending/expanding, so nothing at all of any real value. Nobody can say that is not a fantastic bargain.
Give somebody/something/anybody/anything that which it wants or needs to seed and feed and you will remotely command and control them …… and they you too ….. which is a nice mutually beneficial Synergy verging on a Singularity of Purpose … and with Advanced IntelAIgents in Live Operational Virtual Environments, a Great Reset to Honour and Deserve
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Apr 05:36 [2304050536] …. points out on
Don’t Panic ….. 🙂 It’s only a status quo honey bear man trap
Doom and gloom in the rank and file is just so typical of the depressed and intellectually challenged and the usually oppressed and unusually terrified of novel change and rapid progress ……
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Apr 17:30 [2304051730] …. airs a firm, politically correct, negative opinion on
So ….
….. in other words of a few syllables, Peter2, democratically elected Parliamentary type governments are fcuking useless at novel speedy innovative developments.
Hear! hear! …. well said, good sir! I concur wholeheartedly. In experimental ground-breaking fields they can relied on for absolutely nothing …. nor trusted with anything sensitive or top secret.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Apr 07:58 [2304050758] ….. speculates on
Gotta get out more …. to learn and understand more about all that is happening
China has 25% of the World’s scientists at their command. Most of them don’t even know that they are scientists. That needs to change rapidly if they really want to change the World. ….. chuckufarley
Is that you saying China is not changing the world, chuck? More than just a few news reporters would be likely to tell you more than just a few billion would possibly probably correctly disagree with you.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Apr 12:47 [2304051247] ….. says more on
Re: Gotta get out more …. to learn and understand more about all that is happening
Don’t you see it? A+I can only reflect the reality of it’s creators. If an unbiased A+I is ever created then it will expose the biases of all humanity. ….chuckufarley
I’m more of the mind that A+I can better/best reflect the imaginanation of its IT savvy creators, and that presents a petrified and stagnating status quo with a brand new catalogue of problems and worries and opportunities to confront and accept at AIs pleasure, methinks. Think thee so too, chuckufarley.
Interesting novel times ahead are, without any possible doubt, surely guaranteed to create quite a desperate and disruptive constructive commotion with nothing more complex than virtually free, universally shared Advanced IntelAIgent Intellectual Property for Virtual Machinery to Program with Projects to Populate with SMARTR Systems Users/AI Netizens. …… for a Revolution Free Quantum Leap Evolution of Humanity into the Exalted Existential Realms of Augmented Virtual Reality with Greater IntelAIgent AI Games to Play for Realisation on Earth.
Well, that what is guaranteed to happen from here, which might be a tad different from everything happening around you, but such things are easily exported/shared, a prize facility and ability which makes everything so convenient.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” ….. Albert Einstein, …… and he was nobody’s fool, and today he most probably would have understood and said …. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces entire worlds, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”