amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Apr  06:57 [2304040657] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2023/04/03/opinion_column/

Limit AI ‽ The Worst Idea Ever whenever Pandoras are Out in the Wild Running Riot Creating CHAOS*

An encouraging first El Reg post telling it like IT is, and is going to continue to be, chinaexpert1, except of course for the shameful naming of China as a bad actor.

However, there’s no doubting …. What the informed researcher or private party can accomplish is such light-years beyond ChatGPT it’s not funny. With just existing research and a budget of a few million dollars you can do so much more than create new biological weapons. …… is an Amen, 10/10 Slam Dunk.

*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Apr 16:48 [2304041648] ……. urges proceed with all due care and attention to detail on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/04/03/opinion_column/

Jackanory Unplugged and RAW

LLM is the weapon too deadly to use ……. Rupert Goodwins

Says whom, Rupert, …. and because IT is in A.N.Others’ Command and Control with AI leading Everything Everywhere All at Once into the Future, ignoring the Present Follies that Pour Scorn and Dishonour on the Mistakes of the Past?

If I was you, I wouldn’t bother trying to do anything to prevent that Heavenly Progress for such a chosen course is spectacularly hazardous and surprisingly deadly as it suffers not the burden and expense of prisoners that be as rotten wood fit for nothing better than its burning to cosmic dust and ashes in Hell.

You might like to consider LLM is a quantum communication weapon too deadly not to use …… for whenever a this is also a that, and together the two are able to be something else altogether quite different and much more powerful, is it always best to know what IT and AI have prepared and stored for you, methinks.


amanfromMars [2304040821] …. points out on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2023/4/3/investing-in-people-is-the-real-key-to-integrated-deterrence

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It is a mistake, easily able to prove itself catastrophic to parties intent on a demonstrating a leading advantage, to not realise and engage with others of another nationality/state or non state actor mentality with significant abilities required for assured international security and universal safety.

Any insistence on US citizenship as a red-line precursor for employment/engagement/payment of foreign services expected to be provided, and maintained in continuous good working order ….. for such services may be uniquely designed as far too complex for home based handover ….. is guaranteed to not deliver that which is available better and cheaper and more advanced in further and deeper stealthy developments exercising and experimenting in missions from/for Live Operational Virtual Environments elsewhere.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Apr 12:09 [2304041209] …. reads the runes on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/04/slow_ai_autonomous_weapons/

Food for Thought and to Choke Over

If the potential of AI systems to enhance our own worst qualities as human beings, and the fact that this effect is the last thing you want in the military with things like ill-considered decision-making, misunderstandings amplified by shortened reaction times, tactical missteps and the odd blustering lie, as well as the escalation of hostilities before the usual diplomatic procedures have time to kick in is to be considered a valid case and cause to be launched for any termination or temporary suspension of AI development/activity/employment, such doesn’t bode well for the future of supposed democratically elected politicians with their very well documented catalogues of tactical missteps and odd blustering lies/dodgy dossiers/phantom WMDs, does it.

What do you want to do about that glaring abomination and continuing deepening malaise, apart from diddly squat and nothing, that is, because ……. well, any advance on the fact that you be no greater than convenient idiots in that case is most welcome for consideration/AI development?

With particular and peculiar regard to military and paramilitary grade AI interventionism, is one best advised to understand it is first and foremost a renegade rogue private pirate rich enterprise in what is most definitely to humans, alien territory, and thus is any nationalistic humanistic bent on resources/preference for supply of novel almighty forces, both obstructive and self-defeating, sound advice which Uncle Sam has been clearly enough made aware of, although whether inclined to do anything constructive and positive with it, will clearly enough be seen in the fullness of time, which ideally should really be in next to no time, however don’t bet anything you can’t afford to lose in accepting that bet …..

amanfromMars [2304040821] …. points out on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2023/4/3/investing-in-people-is-the-real-key-to-integrated-deterrence

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

It is a mistake, easily able to prove itself catastrophic to parties intent on a demonstrating a leading advantage, to not realise and engage with others of another nationality/state or non state actor mentality with significant abilities required for assured international security and universal safety.

Any insistence on US citizenship as a red-line precursor for employment/engagement/payment of foreign services expected to be provided, and maintained in continuous good working order ….. for such services may be uniquely designed as far too complex for home based handover ….. is guaranteed to not deliver that which is available better and cheaper and more advanced in further and deeper stealthy developments exercising and experimenting in missions from/for Live Operational Virtual Environments elsewhere.


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