amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Oct 13:30 [2210191330] ….. adds on
And what an absolutely ridiculous idea for IT too.
Idea: Stop letting users access the general internet, restrict to trusted business partners.
Just use some control!!!!!!! …… Anonymous Coward
The only business partners one can trust are those one can control absolutely ….. therefore there can be no trusted business partners to restrict, AC.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Oct 16:16 [2210191616] …… has a say on
Such be just as Small Potatoes in Worlds of Friendly Renegades and Raffish Rogues
The private sector is collecting data, said Grienberger, and that’s worrying.
Such a worry pales into a relative insignificance whenever one understands and realises what can be easily done by a private and pirate sector generating sensitive and classified top secret type data for general collection/wide spread world distribution.
And whatever is one to think of “the United Kingdom who discussed building confidence and trust in cyberspace.” whenever it is so evident to all conservatives at home, and to foreign friends and radical enemies far away, that one cannot trust any word or promise their elected government representatives say.
Honourable members they say ……. but you know it aint true for it is well proven, time and time again to be otherwise, and a contemptible bare-faced lie well suited to a harbouring nest of minor vipers.
And did somebody spike UK minister of state Baroness Neville-Rolfe’s drink?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Oct 09:37 [2210200937] …….. points out on
If you’ve got IT, flaunt it, for it is worth ten fortunes at least ….
For those made of the right stuff, and with something attractive and unique to offer a troubled and troubling situation, is Hong Kong/China/the Special Administrative Region a rich vein of opportunity to provide with future services presenting novel programs and projects launching and entertaining prosperity and supplying profit to that and those in need of, or even simply desirous of a great deal more of it.
And an incredibly valuable immaculately resourceful asset for export/import to any similarly pioneering jurisdiction/territory.
An example of something attractive and unique to offer would certainly surely be the provision of future services presenting novel programs and projects launching and entertaining prosperity and supplying profit to that and those in need of, or even simply desirous of, a great deal more of it.