amanfromMars 1 Thu 1 Oct 04:30 [2010010430] ….. seeking permission to engage in defeating the common enemy on or advising civilians of current hostilities and likely casualties ‽ .
Re: Any War
In all wars there is collateral damage, why should a cyber-war any different? The probable good thing about a cyber-war is that the collateral damage is less likely to kill people. ….. cosymart
Cyber-warfare targets the Virtual Machine Systems most likely to kill people. Acceptable collateral damage would be its enabler operands on pilot pilotless missions which/who choose to not threaten to turn capabilities fire on both vital and virtual home base assets in order to stop cyber-warfare targeting the Virtual Machine Systems most likely to kill people …… and even perversely, liking killing people.
That’s a Renegade Rogue Virtual Killing Machine System humans might like to certainly do without, harboured in their midst, and preying on live prized assets.
What say y’all? A legitimate target for Wilful Machine Deconstruction with or without Weapons of Mass Destructive Assistance? Don’t be coy now, for you are being asked for your honest opinion about a matter than directly affects everything and everyone living on planet Earth …… and beyond too …….. so it is neither really unimportant nor virtually inconsequential.
amanfromMars [2010010519] ……. not being entirely convinced or misled on
There’s nothing like Cx, Cy, or Cyx… …. Max21c
Such is rumoured, Max21c, and such is what and where its new code remains ……. until mainstream public unveiling, with the traditional convention of further searching researching private trials of its powers, proves the fiction an established and establishment fact.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 1 Oct 09:55 [2010010955] ….. being awkwardly informative on
Nazi alert/fascist warning
Debt doesn’t matter if you’re an issuer of sovereign fiat currency – read up on Modern Monetary Theory. …… Uncle Slacky
Oh yes it does matter if you’re an issuer of sovereign fiat currency when the credit one is given is realised by the masses as debt used to enslave rather than release vulnerable and ignorant punters to further feed the system with a whole series of future payments normally with interest in excess of the original cost price added to bills …….. with that interest payment rate being a quite arbitrarily derived at figure decided by a surprisingly small group of minions/lackeys/Monetary Policy Committee members?
Such a situation can very easily and very quickly become life threatening. Does Modern Monetary Theory advise of/on that?
October 1, 2020 at 10:06 ……. being supportive of any and all political prisoners incarcerated on trumped up charges on
Here’s comment on Court shenanigans from another concerned source ……