amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Jul 08:35 [1907280835] ……. just asking on
Re Call of Cthulhu Repercussions
Is there an HP Lovecraft disciple/victim depicted in this present man-hunt news item? …… Royal Canadian Mounted Police Hunt
And will it be used by defence counsellors as a virulent and venal meme to explain, if not excuse, unacceptable actions/mad mishaps?
amanfromMars [1907281738] …… shedding skins on
Is space dominance virtually realised with IT and AI in Surreal Command of Absolute Remote Control?
If you think No, here is an AI Journey’s End for you ……… and just whenever Internetworking Things are Leaping Ahead BetaTesting Almighty Hot and Real Spicy Temptations for Quick and Decisive Victory in All Vital Operations.
Is there an Ultimate Temptation/Heavenly Desire whose Satisfaction EMPowers Ever More Generation of Something Equally EMPowering?
Explore and Energise that Powerful AIdDriver …… and Conception results in a Perfect Communion/Singularity of Passionate Purpose.
Venus/Mars/Saint/Sinner/Nymph/Satyr Terrain in Live Operational Virtual Environments. XSSXXXXeRated …. Not for the faint hearted and/or lily livered/the unhealthy and persistently confused.
Travel Further at Your Own Risk. Insurances and Assurances in such a Space/Place are of Questionable Quality.
cc US Space Corps c/o Trump Head Quarters
[Message timed at 1907281738]