amanfromMars [2501240736] ……. airs on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2025/1/24/ndaa-streamlines-tech-procurement

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Regarding …..”For instance, the NDAA requires defense industrial base entities to implement tabletop cyber threat simulation exercises to improve preparedness and response strategies against potential cyberattacks.” …… the adoption and practice of “Keep it simple, stupid!”, a design principle first noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960, may be the right way to go in order to race way out ahead and lead, or get yourself up to speed in any concerning novel development[s].

And that can be/should be as simple as reading a few pages of concise text which reveal current readily available attack vectors for exploitation and export/reward and expansion of cyberdefence vulnerabilities which hostiles might realise have no possible effective remedy to mitigate catastrophic damage to targeted SCADA Systems and their administering executives/elite supporting platforms.

Those authors be highly prized and are an incredibly valuable commodity, not least because they be so extremely rare and much sought after.


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