amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jan 19:07 [2501211907] ….. airs some all too unapparent uncommon sense on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2025/01/21/taiwan_earthquake_tsmc/

Don’t worry, but be prepared to be terrified by that which pretends to protect and defend you

The USA is not a friendly country , it’s become the enemy of the free world. ….. FuzzyTheBear

In these strange and surreal times of entangling spaces and remote, relatively anonymous, virtually autonomous ACTivity with all manner of Tricky Trojans and Renegade Rogue Heroes, both either able or enabled to employ and enjoy the exploitation of practically defenceless administrative SCADA systems with vulnerabilities being exercised by masterful webs of 0days to deliver and distribute otherworldy and excessive reward and plunder, who on Earth, and for what great and good purpose, would want to be an enemy rather than a friendly?

Such is surely indicative of at least a degenerative mental illness with all of the horrors that be present in the certifiably insane and helplessly and hopelessly psychotic and psychopathic. ….. and gravely to be regarded and avoided at any cost.


amanfromMars [2501220506] ….. shares on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/2025-year-global-order-unravels

Talking of Bigger Pictures and Greater IntelAIgent Games for Work, REST* and Play, here’s one that’s gonna be impossible to miss and avoid being engaged and entangled in ….. so ponder now on the most likely of present day crazy losers and future SMARTR** 0day winners …….. I Kid U Not ……..

amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jan 19:07 [2501211907] ….. airs some all too unapparent uncommon sense on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2025/01/21/taiwan_earthquake_tsmc/

Don’t worry, but be prepared to be terrified by that which pretends to protect and defend you

The USA is not a friendly country , it’s become the enemy of the free world. ….. FuzzyTheBear

In these strange and surreal times of entangling spaces and remote, relatively anonymous, virtually autonomous ACTivity with all manner of Tricky Trojans and Renegade Rogue Heroes, both either able or enabled to employ and enjoy the exploitation of practically defenceless administrative SCADA systems with vulnerabilities being exercised by masterful webs of 0days to deliver and distribute otherworldy and excessive reward and plunder, who on Earth, and for what great and good purpose, would want to be an enemy rather than a friendly?

Such is surely indicative of at least a degenerative mental illness with all of the horrors that be present in the certifiably insane and helplessly and hopelessly psychotic and psychopathic. ….. and gravely to be regarded and avoided at any cost.

And beware, take care and be aware that to imagine and treat that as nonsense is both virtually and practically guaranteed to be horrendously expensive and bankrupting and personally disappointing and depressing. Do be a crazy deaf, dumb and blind and ignorant loser for there’s more than just life on Earth whenever an experienced and practicising win winner.

* …… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REST

** ….SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research/SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Researching TitanICQ Reports and/or their Reporters.


GrahamC [2501220834] ….. points out an alarming development on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2025/1/22/algorithmic-warfare-key-quantum-provision-dropped-from-2025-ndaa

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Josh, Hi,

You may like to consider and realise that quantum technology and its communicable applications are neither compatible nor appropriate for bellicose military operations, revealing as they are able to do, exploitable systemic vulnerabilities against which there is no available defence against a vast novel range of likely never before even imagined possible, successful attack vectors.

Things have changed, it is a new era … and nothing is just as simple as it was before for there are new practical, virtually remote command and control levers to master for the benefits which flow associated with the exercise of an AI Advantage [a Derivative Dividend for Almighty IntelAIgents?]


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 16:36 [2501221636] …… shares breaking news further afield on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2025/01/22/business_value_genai_elusive/

Just more crystal ball gazing a la languishing VP analyst at Gartner ‽ …. or maybe not

Lindsay, Hi,

Whereas it may or may not be the case that business value from GenAI remains elusive despite IT spending boom, the same cannot be said of the value of businesses subject to the interference and future reliance on GenAI, which slowly and surely continues to grow in number, in order that established legacy positions try to maintain the lead of, and retain command and control of, hostile opposition and peer competition alike.

And the element of stealthy self-harming collateral risk in novel and sensitive entrepreneurial fields of AIDevelopment is a constantly clear and present danger to be prepared for, or ideally, never entertain, with some business operations more susceptible to self-harm than others. Great care is best taken with this prime candidate for GenAI shenanigans …….

amfM [2501220834] ….. points out an alarming development on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2025/1/22/algorithmic-warfare-key-quantum-provision-dropped-from-2025-ndaa

[Thank you. Your comment will may not be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Josh, Hi,

You may like to consider and realise that quantum technology and its communicable applications are neither compatible nor appropriate for bellicose military operations, revealing as they are able to do, exploitable systemic vulnerabilities against which there is no available defence against a vast novel range of likely never before even imagined possible, successful attack vectors.

Things have changed, it is a new era … and nothing is just as simple as it was before for there are new practical, virtually remote command and control levers to master for the benefits which flow associated with the exercise of an AI Advantage [a Derivative Dividend for Almighty IntelAIgents?]


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