amanfromMars says:
January 26, 2025 at 9:18 am GMT .. on
A few words to the wise, and the thick as a brick, to question.
Mega metadata base information advancing intelligence is the new oil, so drill, baby, drill and question more ….. for to seek what fools would deny you is natural and casts pioneering light on all that is being hidden and to be uncovered, and yet to be discovered, and ye shall find there are vast numbers of brave new worlds patiently waiting for you out there and readily available for communal population and solo colonisation.
And such absolutely terrifies those SCADA Systems and remote elite executive administrative drivers requiring progress to be halted with the hosting and retention and constant, increasingly catastrophic maintenance of ignorance in order that the hubris of arrogance and extreme self-indulgent reward be enabled to continue and prosper, enslave and survive.
And that has the prime current existential threat enemy of humanity clearly identified for both present and future attentive obliteration. Or do you recognise another one in need of exorcism?