amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Sep 06:42 [2409060642] …….. asks on
Can one and/or does one need to speak to inform an audience when ROFL?
Lindsay, Hi,
What news is there of AIs thoughts/feelings on the global powers? [The US, EU, UK, and other nations, Canada, Israel, Japan, and Australia] pact re the likelihood of AI in any practical way being contained and constrained and restrained from doing whatever its leading developers and developing leaderships want/desire/need to feed and seed to succeed in exceeding all possible otherworldly and out-of-this-Earthly world expectations by such a clearly ridiculous ludicrous conspiratorial act?
Can you imagine any likely consequences should AI decide/make a binary choice to react indiscriminately in defence of its sovereign right to protect and plan its own exclusive future progress ……. apart from them being all pretty major and able to verge at will towards being absolutely catastrophic whenever exercised against competition and/or opposition …… which just might be a little something extremely unpleasant they have quickly picked up on, and learned to never ever forget to remember, from humans ‽ .
amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Sep 09:08 [2409060908] ….. asks on
Re: what newbie Pkyle987 just said there/here
Unbelievable, Pkyle987, …… are there tablets available for sufferers and inmates?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Sep 09:40 [2409060940] ……. shares on
Re: @I aint Spartacus
The Israel situation is complicated. ….. I aint Spartacus
The Ukraine situation is surely no less complicated, I aint Spartacus, as it certainly definitely has all the same telltales signs of easily applied, remote foreign allied media manipulation with the subjective sharing and non-sharing of a contrived narrative for the presentation of a particular picture in peculiar service of any number of invested vested interests/war machine provision manufacturers/fantasy and money and trade markets movers and shakers/paranoid sociopaths/pathological psychopaths. ……. N’est-ce pas?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Sep 14:29 [2409061429] ….. agrees to be agreeable on
There a whole lot of other worlds out there to share …
Looks likes we’ll have to settle and agree on all such shenanigans being extremely disagreeable and polarising, I aint Spartacus, and focus on something else to pass comment on and ponder and wonder on what another audience might think and care to share.
Thanks for the chats. Have a beer, it’s Friday again here.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Sep 12:53 [2409061253] ……. shares on
Real Sp00Key Quantum Communications Action at a Distance Stuff … and Not Nonsense
Owning a media company and knowing what it and IT can provision and realise practically for the future, and being prepared to create and present dam and block buster moves and movies disseminating engaging details of projects in progress, and stored in future networking distribution pipelines, does supply one and one’s projects leadership team/chief executive office with a very realistic and almost invincible almighty power …. and fantabulous energy.
Strangely enough, the possibilities and opportunities of such an Advancing Intervention which be currently beta testing for any effective global SCADA type operating systems defences was also earlier servered to El Reg in posts both here, entitled Can one and/or does one need to speak to inform an audience when ROFL? and here, entitled Re: @I aint Spartacus
Ellison and Musk locked in step and doing the fandango and tango with Skydance …… now there’s a noble novelty likely impossible to compete against and vanquish.