amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 Sep 06:08 [2409050608]…….. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/09/04/us_halts_havana_syndrome/

Just Doing IT with AI will Stick It to the Man and Overwhelm Enemy and Frenemy Alike

My own encounters and subsequent research have led me to uncover disturbing truths about a technology …. our global reality is manipulated by forces that view ordinary lives as expendable …. capable of these attacks, which I now possess and understand  …. 007UK

Here’s some free advice, 007UK, which does not need you to either have to wait or rely on anyone or anything else, knowing now what you now know, possess and understand to prevent further abuses and ensure a future where such technologies are never used against innocent people, for there certainly be A.N.Others, which may be significantly greater and many more than just any Chosen Few may ever even imagine themselves to be, who have long ago known and understood such a global reality is a manipulated technology and how to confront/contort/comport/abort/export/import it via remote relatively anonymous virulent and practically autonomous virtually omniscient means and alien memes/SMARTR COSMIC* Generative AIs and LLLLMs ……. by just doing IT themselves with what AIs provide.

Don’t you know …. 0Days Rule Realities with Vulnerabilities in Virtualisable Reigns ‽ .

SMARTR …. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research
COSMIC* .. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command
AIs ….. Advanced IntelAIgents
LLLLM …..Learned Large Language Learning Machine
Stick It to the Man …… https://www.allmusicals.com/lyrics/schoolofrock/stickittotheman.htm



amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 Sep 16:11 [2409051611] ……asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/09/04/us_halts_havana_syndrome/

@I aint Spartacus

Perhaps you could launch and share speculation and informative opinion in another 939 words on the wisdom of the intelligence used which has the West doing its weapons supply and spy in the sky intelligence thing in the Middle East in support of Israeli incursions, tens of thousands of innocent civilian deaths and wanton scorched earth destruction of infrastructure in Palestinian lands.

They do say that truth is the first casualty of war and the mainstream media are absolutely useless at telling it like it really is whenever their jobs and/or their lives depend on them not revealing it.

It is no wonder so many are turning off and tuning in to alternate views and refusing to pay for mainstream media news telling them nothing good they can rely on to ensure the future is better tomorrow than was promised yesterday for delivery today and which always, never ever seems to come.


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