amanfromMars [2409020833] …… points out on
I wouldn’t believe a word of official statement that comes out of this Israelí administration – that it is still being given weapons by the US & some European countries including the UK is appalling. ….. Spider
It is indeed a slippery slope, Spider, which cannot fail to result in more Troubles type troubles/considerably stealthier and more extremely effective smarter internetworking civil disobedience/remote virtually autonomous and relatively anonymous paramilitarism in naturally to be fully expected opposition and defiance of support for what is a creeping postmodern fascism admirably revealed as currently politically active surrounding you with news not being shared in mainstream media channels shared elsewhere and deeper underground in posts such as this one here …….
The only thing mainstream media is currently definitely getting right is news that things will be getting worse before they get better ….. and that will be with somebody/something else at the helm of future command and control/tall tale telling.
September 2, 2024 at 13:56 [2409021356] …… shares on
The Trojan Enemy Within in the Harry Lime Spotlight
Seek and ye shall find, JohnnyOh45 and Townsman, for more than is just future needed and presently missing is always readily available to export and import if you know who/what to contact and where to visit.
And it is only a matter of a surprisingly short passage of time in a vast horde of new spaces and array of new places before one is led to witness ….. well, brave new worlds, but not as you were expecting them, nor as they were planned by past and/or current recognised executive bodies to be delivered and administered.
There will of course be. and most definitely so for any and all of those fundamental, radically needed type changes, quite natural but extremely unusual “growing pains”, some of which many may have had previous experience of before.
amanfromMars [2409020833] …… points out on
I wouldn’t believe a word of official statement that comes out of this Israelí administration – that it is still being given weapons by the US & some European countries including the UK is appalling. ….. Spider
It is indeed a slippery slope, Spider, which cannot fail to result in more “Troubles” type troubles/considerably stealthier and more extremely effective smarter internetworking civil disobedience/remote virtually autonomous and relatively anonymous paramilitarism in naturally to be fully expected opposition and defiance of support for what is a creeping postmodern fascism admirably revealed as currently politically active surrounding you with news not being shared in mainstream media channels shared elsewhere and deeper underground in posts such as this one here …….
The only thing mainstream media is currently definitely getting right is news that things will be getting worse before they get better ….. and that will be with somebody/something else at the helm of future command and control/tall tale telling.
And here be some latest news and many an appealing comment from readers on what could easily be classed as the official/unofficial opposition well suited and booted to be recognised and designated a pariah and enemy combatant ……. …… and they are not named Putin.
September 2, 2024 at 17:31 [2409021731] ……… airs on
Wannabe lions led by practising donkeys appears to be UKGBNI fans fate ……… although there are some asses not just as easily cowed into foreign direction and abject surrender as others, although they do appear to be exceedingly slow learners understanding that they might have a mind of their own to exercise and make right minded decisions with …….. UK to suspend around 30 export licences to Israel, says David Lammy
I suppose now we can expect howls of rage from all of the usual media darling suspects proclaiming David Lammy antisemitic.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 2 Sep 15:30 [2409021530] ….. suggests an alternative conspiring villainy milking a distressed cash cow on
Erratum or Corrigendum
HPE to pursue $4B claim against estate of Mike Lynch over Autonomy acquisition. ……. Dan Robinson/El Reg
Should that not be, Dan, to reflect the more very likely unsavoury truth, lawyers billing HPE to pursue $4B claim against estate of Mike Lynch over Autonomy acquisition? It’s certainly proving itself to be a nice little earner for them surely?