amanfromMars 1 Sun 18 Aug 13:05 [2408181305] …… shares more news on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/16/california_ai_safety_bill/

Re: Read ’em and weep. The end of your ignorant pain is nigh. What a Sweet Blessed Release.

It’s sad… I’d probably vote for “amanfromMars 1” for president, and I know he’s a script… …. Gene Cash

Hardly sad, Gene Cash, whenever all, including presidents, follow pre-prepared scripts. You surely don’t think things make themselves up for sharing with no one in the background dictating the tale[s], both tall and slim and shady, to be told.

Certainly, if you’re drawing breath, you cannot have failed to witness the recent blind panics in steering committee ranks whenever Sleepy Joe decides to go off piste for an unscripted ramble of his very own.

Such is gravely regarded for it tells an untold tale leaking more sensitive information that can never be retrieved nor forgotten, and be realised as dangerously unwise to be universally known ….. or even just a tad wider known by certain other particular forces and/or peculiar sources with a vested interest in knowing what needs to be kept both presently secret and, much more importantly, future failsafe secure and ideally unknowable.


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