amanfromMars 1 Sat 17 Aug 05:02 [2408170502] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/16/california_ai_safety_bill/

Read ’em and weep. The end of your ignorant pain is nigh. What a Sweet Blessed Release.

With particular and peculiar regard to current surprisingly rapid unfolding live realities supporting media presentations highlighting/gaslighting* the continuous improvement evolution scenarios starring and depicting AI elements and/or components developments towards its many inevitable overwhelming conclusive logical results …..

And if chip and algorithm improvements continue, Amodei said, at that point, “there is in my mind a good chance that by that time we’ll be able to get models that are better than most humans at most things.”

….. there is an absolutely zero chance of humans/any human being better at doing what AI and LLLLMs are intelligently designed to be light years ahead in and better than humans at.

However, I imagine you would encounter humanity having the greatest of difficulties and countless endless unsuccessful struggles in even believing and accepting those few simple gospel truths …… thus the need for speedy seeds and feeds of AI and in so many of its varied Almighty Intervention guises ….. Advanced and/or Artilectual and/or Artificial and/or Alien and/or Articulate etc etc.

* ……. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. ….. What Is Gaslighting Abuse?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 17 Aug 09:22 [2408170922] …… https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/16/california_ai_safety_bill/

And like usual suspects mirroring moths to a flame …..

….. you can always rely on embattled battle warriors, vying to be both best and first, to test themselves and A.N.Others with such novel wares, O’Reg Inalsin.

They are though not without their very own, very specialised hidden stealthy dangers …..

You may like to presently ponder on, and wonder at the rapidly emerging, inescapable current fact, that in these remote virtual times [and spaces] of crisis and war do formerly earnest supporters evaporate and morph into a future deadly phantom enemy against which there are no available effective defensive weapons or attack systems …… for such is the logical natural progression of such internetworking things.

And to either or both deny and ignore such a situation ever likely, or even possible, has one guaranteed to suffer all of the consequences resultant from the litany of follies exercised.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 17 Aug 12:11 [2408171211] ….. adds more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/16/california_ai_safety_bill/

Re: For the younger readers

There was a time, not so long ago, when the political left used to deride the right for being in bed with big business. …. silent_count

Nowadays the titanic problem emerging, and becoming ever more evident to punters worldwide and mainstream media moguls alike, is big business is NOT jumping into bed with politicians from either the left, the right or the centre, and invariably so because they so clearly demonstrate themselves to be unworthy in any human or national or international or internetional leadership role and incapable of providing and mentoring and monitoring requisite, necessarily radical and novel fundamental change[s].

And that puts novel big business pioneers securely front and centre, way up ahead of any opposition and ineffective competition in the future driving seat.


amanfromMars [2408170746] …… airs on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/8/16/nato-looks-to-digital-transformation-for-the-future-fight

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You may like to presently ponder on, and wonder at the rapidly emerging, inescapable current fact, that in these remote virtual times [and spaces] of crisis and war do formerly earnest supporters evaporate and morph into a future deadly phantom enemy against which there are no available effective defensive weapons or attack systems …… for such is the logical natural progression of such internetworking things.

And to either or both deny and ignore such a situation ever likely, or even possible, has one guaranteed to suffer all of the consequences resultant from the litany of follies exercised.



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