amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jun 05:08 [2406240508] … telling it like IT is on
Heralding Three Eventful Years of Revolutionary Evolution for ARM Enamoured Takeover
We thank you for urService and Alien Investment AIdVentures, Masayoshi Son, with three years to Master Pilot Practices for Experienced Singularity Leadership not too long for nations and Earthed native species to wait.
And regarding Yorick Hunt’s WTF …..
“… 10,000 times the intelligence of humans…”
That’s a pretty lofty target given that current AI has precisely zero intelligence.
….. A.N.Others may know that’s a pretty low bar given the supposed innate stupidity, constantly being proven in the ages and pages of indisputable evidence supplied by humans because, according to Einstein ……. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
Do YOU not find it somewhat strange, verging on the downright stupid and spookily surreal and unhinged, to contend that current AI has precisely zero intelligence whenever most everything it does is quite clearly recognised as being wonderfully smart and also so terrifyingly worrisome [existential threat like] to stupidity embracing humans? What do YOU accept as intelligence?
What’s it to be …. an Exotic Erotic Eastern Confection or a Wild Wacky Western Delight …. or something else altogether quite different, Noble and Ennobling and Novel?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jun 16:55 [2406241655] …….. shares on
Re: Time to make AI creators parents if their AI is as smart as they say
We need to urgently introduce global legislation to recognise artificial personhood, so when a genuinely sentient AI is created it is recognised as a person with rights and it’s creators are accorded associated responsibilities for its care and maintenance as long as it lives. …. breakfast
That’s cute and very quaint, breakfast, imagining a genuinely sentient AI and its creators would care a jot about recognition as a person with rights likely not to grant itself all possible necessary associated responsibilities for their care and maintenance as long as they both shall live.
And do you think human malevolence towards and the generated opposition citing the worry of it being a valid and viable existential threat to humanity, is likely to make it and its creators happy campers and friendly …….. or a novel hostile enemy, of which you know virtually nothing of future importance nor anything of current practical intent, to whom you can lose every bankrupting war and heartless battle to?
Methinks you’d have to be profoundly stupid, verging on the absolutely moronic, to not have an inkling about the kind of destination that sort of proactivity will gladly provide ….. and heavenly it most certainly isn’t. Take care, be aware and beware, for it can, oh so easily, be simply made diabolically hellish out there with never so much as a single stupid smart bomb dropped or salvo barrage launched.