amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Nov 06:29 [2312060629] ….. goes a tad further and reveal a great deal more on
Re: Alien Interventions ….. and AI Generations, but not as you were expecting them to follow.
The only thing Cisco’s executive veep for security Jeetu Patel nearly got right in his predictions aired at the Asia Pacific incarnation of the Cisco Live event in Melbourne, Australia, is the fiction that in the future AI will change the infosec landscape whenever the current factual reality is AI has already comprehensively and irreversibly fundamentally changed the infosec landscape with its IT Infusions of Virtually Augmentable SeeScapes/Remote AudioVisual TeleTextual Instructions for Practical Mega Meta Data Base Realisation/Autonomous Self Actualisation.
And to confuse and conflate it with disinformation and/or misinformation is to have one catastrophically advised and rendered both physically and virtually defenceless against all that AI offers, whether that be considered good and great, or not so good or even as bad as, in extremis, an existential threat.