amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Dec 16:09 [2312051609] ……. states surely clearly enough on
The Flip Side of COIN* …. What you Need to Get Right Every Time
Enterprises will have GenAI in production next year – what could go wrong?
Really??? You have to ask????
Well, if you listen to some body which knows, and subsequently neither disbelieve nor deny what they would be clearly enough plainly telling you, ….. unless you know how to continually do such future things right, everything is practically certain to go both physically and virtually wrong for you and never ever as either hoped for or meticulously planned for as the result of undertaken actions incited by what ideally would be expected to be widely accepted, agreeable proposals rather than being recognised as a wildcat unilateral mercenary mission in support of renegades and rogues, frauds and charlatans, wannabe Caesars and disgraced, bankrupt of novel proprietary intellectual property leaderships.
COIN* ….. COunter INtelligence