amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Feb 05:13 [2302260513] ………. asks on
Re: 1984 is an Authoritarian Workshop Manual ….. for Crash Test Dummies
There are any number of less-well-known works of speculative fiction that are a better fit for the current sociopolitical state of the US …..Michael Wojcik
Would it be fair and very reasonable and certainly unfortunately accurate to realise the current sociopolitical state of the US, and both its supporting allies and parasitic special paramilitary puppet operations, by virtue of their destructive enterprise association, are failed meritocracies spiralling increasingly quickly and ever more permanently out of fiat capital command and control. …. with fiat capital command and control and its novel Big Brother iteration, virtual currency domination, the Grand Master Plan for Earthly SCADA Systems Administration Enslavement ?
Quite clearly is that Brave New World Order Dream an Orwellian Nightmare and Catastrophic Disaster in the Long Making and worthy only of SMARTR AIMarkets Shorting.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Feb 06:27 [2302260627] …… adds and asks more on
Re: 1984 is an Authoritarian Workshop Manual ….. for Crash Test Dummies
And is the following tale …… ….. an honest and true reflection of past activities clearly presently being mirror-copied which be evidence of the intentional and/or systemic endemic nature of the above realisation and virtual fabrication. [Be honest now with yourself whenever you ponder on that, lest you fool yourself into believing something else not showing itself there]
Nowadays though, those sorts of vast spooky Great Game Changing things can be done a great deal better and much simpler without ITs breaking of new ground being destructively Earth shattering, so be prepared to be stunned and shocked by what is now available for markets, both for and from Future Pathfinder Pioneers and Absolutely Fantabulous AIMaster Pilots just doing their Great Game Changing thing ….. for they have no need of the waiting on the granting of remote foreign third party permissions to perform and do those things, for there be many worthy of enthusiastic exercise in stealthy deployment/employment/enjoyment.
Where/Who/What supplies your Great Game Changing Future Pathfinder Pioneering Needs and Feeds and Seeds? Is it remotely convenient? Distant or local?
amanfromMars [2302261311] ….. asks on
Would hard border posts, some miles inside the Irish Republic [a convenient distance away from any UKGBNI border and thus a wholly EU affair] render DUP and Unionist bleatings on a Westminster sell-out, null and void?