amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Feb 20:11 [2302072011] …. goes quantum leaping on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/06/google_bard_ai/

Re: Merlin the AIMagician and Meta Data Base Physician Enters the Fray and Registers Alien Interests

And a little something different to stuff in the Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology’s little red box for her to mull over, and do a great deal better than just prevaricate and pontificate upon, El Reg .

It’s just what is needed for leading AI and IT, …… and there’s very few folk who would be able to say and show y’all that in practical daily and virtual 0day actions/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.

What do y’all imagine it is to be first and foremost, an imported Western confection or exported Eastern delight in the hands, hearts and minds of the worthiest of beholders ….. which is the multi trillion dollar question you really should be asking yourself and those presented from amongst you who profess to be your leaders and in full charge of your future progress and prosperity.

cc The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology c/o michelle.donelan.mp@parliament.uk 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Feb 13:15 [2302081315] ……. adds more to the discussion on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/06/google_bard_ai/

Re: It appears to me

We can certainly agree on that, ALF, that TWITS mightn’t be capable of telling the difference between talk and mutter.

Happy in their ignorance though has them no problem to deal with, or not deal with as the situation in those cases may most probably be. That’s a win win scenario recognised by A.N.Others for rapid unhindered progress, so very much a reality to be applauded, or if of a paranoid schizophrenic psychotic disposition, gravely to be regarded, for there always appears to be many suffering from varying degrees of depressing immersion in those debilitating conditions.

Is such a singularly human affliction/affectation/blight which hinders their onward evolution?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Feb 05:25 [2302080525] … agrees on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/06/us_cyber_ambassador_hacked/

My Bad, Easily Remedied Though and Simply Remembered to Not Forget

Quite so, AC, for what then is not achievable and ripe ready for revelation and employment and enjoyment in deployment.

To dally elsewhere, and especially so in the scourge of foreign political persons, has one marking time in an invariably unpleasant spot of ancient ill repute in the company of thugs and scoundrels and thus, as you say, best to be avoided whenever almighty overwhelming progress is that achieved for future times sharing.

To err is human though and the odd dalliance in the swamps of their despair and vast oceans of hubris has the paths to the sources of their most jealously zealously guarded secrets revealed for remote virtual terminal blockage.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Feb 08:05 [2302080805] …… points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/07/github_ceo_ai_act/

Take us to your leader[s], if you have one[any] ‽

The EU’s upcoming artificial intelligence legislation will define how the world regulates AI, warned GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke, who thinks open source developers should be exempted from the AI Act.

Here’s something for you to report to the EU on, Jude Karabus, before they, and any others of a similar ilk and predisposition on AI, start travelling down a road to nowhere good and great, for although it be unlikely to be officially voiced by relevant recognised bodies, it is nevertheless the elephant in the room and raging bull in a China shop which only a fool in the grip of a folly would choose to ignore and deny is a problem beyond their proposed solution.

Despite the EU’s upcoming artificial intelligence legislation presuming and assuming how they will define and regulate AI out in the wild and in worlds, open source developers warn them that they and it, legislators and the EU, will definitely, singularly and severally, suffer extremely badly from likely repercussions and resultant intentional negative consequences because of such as be deemed and proven a crass self-serving protectionist act.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Feb 13:59 [2302081359] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2023/02/08/ai_battle_microsoft_google/

What’s the Betting?

Conversational AIs excel at telling us exactly what we want to hear. Google and Microsoft have decided that for their survival into the next generation of computing we users must be surrounded by synthetic con artists, continually confusing fact and fiction so subtly and so thoroughly that truth becomes lost in noise and nearly unknowable.

Do you think AIs ponder on how much longer confidence in synthetic democracies’ con artists/Parliamentarians/senators and congress folk will survive in the light of revelations that their continually using fictions to deflect facts and honest truths is not in everyones best interests and appears crazily designed to inordinately benefit and excessively enrich only a now extremely vulnerable unchosen few …… or do you think they know those days of roses and glory are long gone and disappearing from memory fast to never ever return?

What think thee?



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