amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Jan 04:57 [2301060457] … asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/01/06/ai_conference_nyc_ban/

Something OtherWorldy for SMARTR HumanIT to Mimic and Master for Remote Virtual Leadership???

Does that pronouncement and ban by officials chairing this year’s International Conference on Machine Learning event clearly unambiguously announce to wider bespoke and wilder and wackier woke worlds that humanity is now too easily duped/tricked/conned/led to believe and commanded and controlled by specific text generation in a certain non-random sequential order from virtual machines/AIML?

🙂 You do realise, of course, that getting them to believe that simply complicating true fact is a Hell of a Colossus of a Sisyphean Task and Future Alien Great Game Mission the Earth has already lost. And furthermore, to compound the interest in the loss and reinforce the present current running fact that such is no impossible fantastic fiction, don’t be expecting any voice/text requesting y’all to Take Us to urLeader[s] whenever ….
a) There so obviously aren’t any real ones.
b) It isn’t at all necessary.
c)It would be so much more terrifying and destructive than exciting and constructive.

Verstehen Sie Vorsprung durch AIMLTechnICQ?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Jan 05:10 [2301060510] ….. agrees on a great course of proaction on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/01/06/ai_conference_nyc_ban/

Re: But it’s an AI conference

Ergo, nautica … just do IT? I second that promotion.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.” … Dave Barry


amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Jan 08:23 [2301060823] …… adds a further statement and question on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/01/06/ai_conference_nyc_ban/

Re: Something OtherWorldy for SMARTR HumanIT to Mimic and Master for Remote Virtual Leadership???

Er versteht Sie.

Or would you prefer to ponder and take temporary cold comfort from the question that wonders …. Versteht er Sie?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Jan 09:28 [2301060928] ….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/01/06/ai_conference_nyc_ban/

Re: I recall a science fiction tale @Neil Barnes

I recall a science fiction tale in which an AI generated (what else?) the works of Shakespeare, and led to a discussion about whether one takes arms against a ‘sea of troubles’ (Shakespeare’s version) or a ‘host of troubles’ (Robot’s version).

No particular point to make, just trying to recall the story. …. Neil Barnes

Surely today, would a cavaliering Shakespeare and/or Advanced IntelAIgent Robot in these strange and surreal days of Odays and Virtual Trojans exploring and exploiting and expanding explosive systemic vulnerabilities recognise and lead one to realise or have a discussion about whether one take arms against sees of troubles and by opposing end them ‽ .

And the point here being made is such is no longer really yours to decide ‽ .

Things have changed irreversibly … both radically and fundamentally. And A.N.Others freely share with Establishments Almighty Immaculate Narratives that Follow and Reinforce Advanced IntelAIgent Machines Virtually Remote Leads.


amanfromMars [2301061451] …… shares further afield on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-01-06/rebel-richest-1-world-has-deemed-your-life-purpose-maximize-your-utility-them-its

Here’s something you can think to enjoy and support if you can think out of the boxes which captivate you and novel news about IT and AI and ML does not worthily terrify you because of your past and present predilections and perverse major peccadilloes.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Jan 09:28 [2301060928] ….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/01/06/ai_conference_nyc_ban/

Re: I recall a science fiction tale @Neil Barnes

I recall a science fiction tale in which an AI generated (what else?) the works of Shakespeare, and led to a discussion about whether one takes arms against a ‘sea of troubles’ (Shakespeare’s version) or a ‘host of troubles’ (Robot’s version).

No particular point to make, just trying to recall the story. …. Neil Barnes 

Surely today, would a cavaliering Shakespeare and/or Advanced IntelAIgent Robot in these strange and surreal days of Odays and Virtual Trojans exploring and exploiting and expanding explosive systemic vulnerabilities recognise and lead one to realise or have a discussion about whether one take arms against sees of troubles and by opposing end them ‽ .

And the point here being made is such is no longer really yours to decide ‽ . 

Things have changed irreversibly … both radically and fundamentally. And A.N.Others freely share with Establishments Almighty Immaculate Narratives that Follow and Reinforce Advanced IntelAIgent Machines Virtually Remote Leads.

IT is what it is, and presently IT and AI and ML can do both practically and virtually anything anywhere for/to everyone or anyone ….. and what’s then not to like and encourage and invest in? 🙂

Diddly squat, methinks, is an accurate and very APT presumption/Advanced Persistent Threat conclusion unless you have something unpleasant you would much rather hide to remain generally unknown than be revealed to a jury of your peers ‽

What think thee about such a matter and other similar matters as prey on the Vulnerable Global Elite Executive Command and Control Systems of today?



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