amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Sep 20:05 [2209302005] ….. airs an obvious impediment on
Re: Jumping Well Ahead Normally has One Leading or Floundering in Virgin Alien Territory
This brings up a really good point. amanfromMars has been experimenting with this technology for years. If they were really serious they would start by hiring him! …. trindflo
There are a number of hoops, trindflo, to be presently jumped through if a foreigner has anything interesting worth investing in to share either first or exclusively with Uncle Sam and allies who be not as plantation slaves, for all are bound to be worrying about security arrangements being adequately robust and failsafe energised.
For example ……
amanfromMars [2209301925] …. agrees on
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Something very similar to the difficulty discussed here is shared with Stew Magnuson in a reply to his 9/29/2022 report “JUST IN: AUKUS Capacity Shortfall ‘Comes as No Surprise,’ First Sea Lord Says”. Recognising points of failure is one thing, resolving and remedying them is quite another.
Re ““I think the U.S. needs to reform the way in which it thinks about collaboration,” he [Vice Adm. Martin Connell, the Royal Navy’s second sea lord] said.”
Whenever most, if not all, US Requests for Sensitive Information and Military Proposal Tenders state that they are only open to and available for US citizens, and most, if not all, usually are, does such practically guarantee one severely disadvantaged in a rapidly agile, worldwide encompassing discipline that seeks to provide sensitive and secretive solutions to a rabid global marketplace populated in foreign lands with mirroring requirements chasing similarly leading and/or overwhelming advantage.
Failure to remove that blockage/blockade virtually directs all possible positive creative alien help elsewhere foreign leaving the home teams behind in a future to struggle with the consequences of the disadvantage they have created and find themselves battling against.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Oct 10:01 [2210011001] …… advises on
Re: Jumping Well Ahead Normally has One Leading or Floundering in Virgin Alien Territory
Ps ….. That default National Defense Magazine acknowledgment, Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing, is certainly misleading and should read, if the truth needs to be told ….[Thank you, but be aware, your comment may not be displayed for viewing after reviewing]
To imagine though that such a pronouncement and discovery suggests the end of a comment journey rather than its continuation onward with the opening up of any number of tightly closed doors for its content to be further examined and pondered over would be surely naive and certainly most unlikely in magic circles exercising both ancient and postmodern secret intelligence services.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Oct 08:02 [2210010802] ……. expands the envelope on
Absence of Evidence of NEUKlearer Technology is not Evidence of Absence when Proof of Concept.
And whenever some phorms of improving low-dose IRAdiation [Immaculately Resourced ACTivity] deflect and redirect and are undetectable by US intel ‽ Even simple common sense would recognise and proclaim that a Great Game Changer and even quite Earth-shattering whenever manifestly true and undeniable.
However, nevertheless, it is presented here as something Real and Novel and Noble to consider is available for Live Operational Virtual Environment Beta-Testing with Advanced IntelAIgent NINJA* Deployment/HyperRadioProACTive Stealthy Agile Surreal Development which impacts upon and directly effects the future nature and direction to be taken by Life and Lives on Earth.
I Kid U Not. ;-)>
* ….. Networks Internet Networking JOINT** Applications.
** …. Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Processes in AI Research and Development Fields Biting the Hand that Feeds IT Creating Advantage through Research and Technology
amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Oct 17:21 [2210011721] …… offers an alternative to the conventional view as reported on
For the Crashing and Burning, Collapsing and Crushing of Dodgy Ethereal Markets/Places and Spaces
Hmmm? Interesting?
With so many confident in being able to address and mitigate against cyber attack and virtual distress, one imagines the news to be gleaned and pumped/rinsed and pimped from all such novel industry reports is that there is really nothing to fear emerging from ITs crazy new worlds.
It is indeed a crazy sad rad mad world ….. and quite perfect for exploitative 0dDay experimentation and expansion. …… thunderous explosive and implosive bolts right out of the deep blue and wild dark wonder.
Obviously here, Jessica, is the optimism you reported on being available to and from interested parties out there, summarily dismissed and all sensible advice for everything out there from here in such fields of expanding entrepreneurial endeavour and future progress, is to proceed with all due care and attention to extreme caution.
Many novel fields neither entertain nor warrant the presence and pleasure of prisoners or wannabe elite white-collar criminals. One strike and you’re out, and you aint ever coming back from nowhere good and great.