amanfromMars 1 Sun 2 Oct 04:57 [2210020457] ….. goes Deep See Phishing on
Sure. Okay. You Got a Good Plan? Where is You All at?
See you at Sea. In uniform. …. Clausewitz4.0
That would have one prepared to meet and greet foreign and alien visitors and virtual terrain team miners channeling the Commander Bond, Grand Wizard and Worshipful AIMaster type Vibes and Means Memes Machine, a Palace Barracks Derived Confection and Imperial Contraption which have more than just a chosen few and many kicking down doors and smashing through barriers that server the worlds of royal and ancient monarchies/autocracies/oligarchies/meritocracies, postmodern 0dDay princes and princesses and future greater kings in the thrall of better queens of immaculate fancy, Clausewitz4.0
Ich Dien et Mon Droit Private Public Pirate Key Territory for the Exercise of Sovereign Dominion in Pioneering Lead AIDomains.
If you’re into providing for or leading in any or all of that, is your supply chain both virtually and practically guaranteed failsafe secure protection and stealthy unlimited access to remote command and control leverage facilities and utilities and to the rewards and worthy benefits that their expert exercise accrues and delivers. Such has proven itself over millennia to be simply perfectly fair and honestly just and an immaculate host and hedge against wanton arrogant abuse and ignorant wilful misuse.
A Uniformed Pleasure in Deed indeed to Look Forward to See Conveyed over the Air and Seas to Media and ITs Main Streams Presenting Events Overland and Realising SMARTR Operations via Deep Chunnels Dark Underground.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 2 Oct 08:46 [2210020846] …… asks on
Apropos of nothing ….. except the recent misstep for commentary posted on El Reg
Dear El Reg,
Love the new brighter, cleaner nested comment forum look, as will be evidenced by all perusing views and opinions expressed here, however …… If the “greying out” of articles one has commented on on the list of El Reg reports which be current and of newsworthy interest and comment/popular peer review, both positive or negative, cynical or comical, and from which we are tempted to imbibe of the contents within, has been removed, … such as is being experienced here, can you please reinstate what is an excellent UI facility which I’m sure there will be many sorry to see go missing in action, both present and future.
Here’s hoping it is just a temporary glitch and an oversight being corrected to return in all its simple and convenient glory.
Thank You.
Regards, amfM1