amanfromMars [2208281146] ……. gives thanks on
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Thanks for the tips, Stew. Here’s hoping it leads to more valuable comment strings from a switched-on-to-unfolding events readership of National Defence magazine articles …… for such then offers all manner of contributors and the virtual world wide web edition a clear added and immediate intelligence advantage over the print medium.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Aug 14:04 [2208281404] …… asks on
The Epic Battle for Hearts and Minds … is a Great AI Head Game to Play
A survey of cybersecurity decision makers found 77 percent think the world is now in a perpetual state of cyberwarfare.
The questions to ask of that perpetual state of cyberwarfare, and you might like to realise some of the many attack vectors are/will be virtually indefensible and therefore there will be practical and catastrophic damage and suffering experienced, are exactly who and/or what is thought worthy of such devastating attacks and whether being a well known defender of targeted vulnerable leaderships is in one’s better longer term interest as the formerly kept top secret type reasons for such attacks become more widely known and be deemed future unacceptable and presently despicable and past lamentable.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Aug 17:02 [2208281702] …………. adds more info to
Take Care and Be Aware to Beware the Honey Bear Trap
Both defending and being actively and/or proactively responsible for continuance of the reprehensible and indefensible is a right mug’s game and has one legitimately targeted as a state enemy and willing ignorant perpetrator of crimes against humanity. The just penalty for that is quite obviously as suitably severe as needs be to guarantee no possible further leading first party physical or virtual participation in future societies.