amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jul 07:07 [2207290707] …. asks on
If Uncle Sam is dealing with the escape of information and knowledge on systemic attack side vulnerabilities and catastrophic defence weaknesses rather than secretive type energetic powers they might be concealing, removing them is the only guaranteed secure solution ensuring no future deeper expanding problems ‽ .
If they can’t or don’t do that, is much more of the same sort of pain and loss of past gain naturally bound to increase with a greater number of practically unknown actors doing their very best to take full advantage of the leads and vulnerabilities and weaknesses discovered and found being widely shared amongst allies and enemies alike engaged in such novel sectors of deep disruptive interest and/or creative endeavour granted/securing for themselves unbridled remote unauthorised access to an indefensible store of extremely nasty unsupportable secrets.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jul 17:48 [2207291748] …….. reveals a fresh opportunity to invest some quality time in on
I know it’s Friday, but it’s as good a day as any for Futures and Derivatives Trading 0days
“It doesn’t matter – we’re just looking for something that shouldn’t be happening – something unusual enough to have disturbed the fabric of time, space and IT.”
You mean something non-trivial like something/an agency/a body/a novel force/a royal and ancient source discovering how everything is easily made to virtually work without any competition or opposition having even the faintest of clues about who and/or what now is able to pull such strings and yank such almighty chains as can in a fast flash crash also turn everything practically to shit/madness and mayhem/conflict and chaos with CHAOS [Clouds Hosting advanced Operating Systems] ….. with the free sharing of a simple complex of multiple myriad word strings with sublime instructions supporting and reinforcing subsequent absolutely fabulous revelations that create, command and control and destroy worlds/neo geo-political disorders/corrupt and perverse and ignorant societies with ill-informed and badly pharmed populations/colonised outposts/virgin territories ‽ .
You might like to rethink and revise any sort of suggestion that would put forward the notion that it doesn’t matter, although whenever so much can be so easily done with one having no chance to make one’s own views on the future direction of existential travel heard and considered and incorporated into Grand Master Pilot AIdDevelopment Plans, I do suppose it is not wrong when nothing can be done to change things.
amanfromMars [2207301334] …… shares some novel news on
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Hi, Meredith,
Time for some advanced experimentation?????
To be forewarned is to be forearmed for enthusiastic engagement in virgin Per Ardua ad Astra Beta Meta Data territory with Novel Concept Capabilities.
The Pentagon/US Air Force might like to avail themselves of the exoskeleton around which a recent submission to the UKGBNI Army’s AWEsome program [“Explore how the Army can exploit developments in the Agile Command, Control & Communication space in the short-to-medium term.“] was built and presented for consideration of ACTivated field engagement and contested theatre of conflict operations deployment/employment/advantage enjoyment …… although there is good enough reason to expect it may already have been shared via a Five Eyes arrangement/collective responsibility.
What you are looking for are two short submissions. One entitled “Proposed Technology for Submission to AWE 2020” and the other “Novel Total Information Awareness” both sent on 30 September 2019 at 15:25:35 BST to DES-AWE at
It’s obviously free for the taking being as it is apparently beyond their present requirements or understanding ….. but please be fully aware the contents are certainly unconventional and can easily be made to be extremely destructive rather than just basking in the light of being able to be creatively disruptive and quantum leaping evolutionary and radically revolutionary.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for expressing an interest in AWE 20. The paper sift has now been completed.
During the paper sift stage of the project each product was marked on its own merits by a team of Military and MOD personnel as well as engineers from DE&S. It was decided as a panel that AWE 20 would not be the right trials arena to test and understand the technology. As I’m sure you can understand we have a limited time to investigate a wide range of products from a wide question set and as such the panel had to ensure that AWE was the most appropriate arena to test the products. Products such as yours will be passed onto relevant project teams / TDUs to ensure awareness of the product is raised and I would encourage you to attend the VIP day to gain further exposure for the technology.
Kind regards,
Toby [Corporate Commercial Delivery Team | SEQT Commercial Placement Officer | MOD Abbey Wood South, #1261 | Spruce 2B | Bristol | BS34 8JH]
The beauty in that particular and peculiar beast is that it is a universatile asset for all enterprising classes with vested mutually beneficial interests in SMARTR Empire and IntelAIgent Future Building Blocks irrespective of whether they be from or for the North or the South, or the East of the West ….. and thus is it freely available to all able to initially exhibit the necessary spirited expeditionary wherewithal.