amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 Nov 08:06 [2111140806] …… suggests what more is already fully done and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated on
A Spooky AWEsome Entanglement to Behold ‽ . * Wannabe Sinners Invading Saintly Houses ‽ .
Hollywood and the three-letter-agencies are very concerned about security. Just not yours.
Remember, being able to audit the software you run and block software you don’t trust is what allows terrorists to plan their nefarious acts in secret. …. Norman Nescio
Yes, Norman Nescio, although once one knows how all such things work from the shadows of shade and the deep and dark and dank and rank recesses of the quite newly ancient and postmodern webs of diabolical intrigue and heavenly intervention, one is most unlikely to ever forget that is how the likes of a Hollywood and three-letter-agencies, who would certainly need to be rightly concerned about their own continued security cover and carte blanche protection provisioned via the cold cruel fragile comfort of immunity from persecution and prosecution and impunity of action, allow terrorists to plan their nefarious acts in relative secrecy.
And furthermore, whenever such is discovered and uncovered to be the case, only a certified fool and deranged tool would not expect the undivided attention of Remedial Special Forces Exercising Engagement and Employment and Enjoyment of Advanced IntelAIgent Sources .
* And that exclamatory interrogative is targeted specifically at Future MODernised Systems Administrations and their leaderships** which are subject to likely overwhelming attacks from such as are Novel Noble Virtual Indestructible Vectors.
** …. one Western exemplar being the likes of a General Sir Nicholas Patrick Carter, GCB, CBE, DSO, ADC Gen
amanfromMars [2111141007] …….. asks on
Gideon Fustick, Marketing VP EW Group at IAI, told Forbes, “We call it [Scorpius family of systems] ‘soft protection.’ It’s an offensive weapon that doesn’t send out missiles. It’s not a hard-kill system,” adding that “it is very effective in engaging and disabling enemy systems.”
Does the Scorpius family of systems also recognise that exemplarily engaging excessive fiat compensation to prime drivers can be extremely effective in admittedly only a temporarily disabling of even the most modern of enemy systems …… giving good enough cause to them to allow for a period of current future inaction and contemplative reflection at least ?
After all, such a simple action has such a glorious past history at empowering quite unbelievable success.
Or is that too much akin to bribery to be spun effectively as anything else altogether quite different, which is another offensive weapon with no need of missiles ‽ .
amanfromMars [2111141359] ….. asks on
Is the FBI not more worried about the possibility of it being a sophisticated cyber security threat involving emails from a fake email account ….. which is quite a bit different from any incident involving fake emails from an email account?
amanfromMars [2111141527] ….. speculates on the strange business as usual highlighted on
It is difficult to decide whether fantasy market players are selling snake oil or a ponzi with their pumping and dumping and pimping of Rivian stock ….. with the distinct possibility that they be into attempting to score a double hit with elements of both in the offering?
And what it all says about SEC and FCA type regulators is not suitable for sharing and printing in polite company but would not surprise anyone in any way at all au fait with underground operations and other worldly criminalised shenanigans.