amanfromMars [2111120450] ……. airs a few concerns on
Seattle U.S. Attorney Brian Moran said last year. “Government contractors must not tolerate fraud within their organizations, and they must be fully forthcoming with the government when they discover it.”
Oh, is that so? Fine enough words indeed unfortunately rendered risible via government activities themselves, for is not the following honestly true and highly accurate, whether you like it or not?
The entire capitalist markets and bonds system is a government based and backed fraud preventing honest value discovery and assisting in excessive inflationary price movement of pimped/pumped and dumped products which are destined to be total loss liabilities ….. for whenever the notion of success requires everything to be profitable [require the price of everything to include an entirely arbitrarily decided extra cost for nothing physically additional] in order to be attractive and compelling, are those systems guaranteed to fail catastrophically as increasing rapid price rises for base commodities and vital services cannot be justified by government inaction/tacit agreement.
You may like to consider that scenario, which unfolds at an increasingly prodigious rate once base positions start to unwind and display signs of unbearable future weaknesses, is where you is at bro with particular and peculiar regard to present day capitalist trade, flash fiat money and QE bonded markets.
And are you a useful fool and vital tool for continued perpetration of the fraud until its spectacular colossal collapse if you deny it and consider the news to be false/fake/made up?
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive” ….. Sir Walter Scott
amanfromMars [2111120457] …… asks on
At what temperature does salty sea water freeze and turn to ice and make submarine travel impossible?
Is it anywhere close to minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
amanfromMars [2111120518] ……. being somewhat disagreeable on
The biggest scam ever after COV-ID ! Only foools and croooks are fond of fictions :))) …. nick
The biggest scam ever after COV-ID ? I wouldn’t be to so sure of that hyperbole, nick. There is a lot of valid competition for that crown of thorns.
Seattle U.S. Attorney Brian Moran said last year. “Government contractors must not tolerate fraud within their organizations, and they must be fully forthcoming with the government when they discover it.”
Oh, is that so? Fine enough words indeed unfortunately rendered risible via government activities themselves, for is not the following honestly true and highly accurate, whether you like it or not?
The entire capitalist markets and bonds system is a government based and backed fraud preventing honest value discovery and assisting in excessive inflationary price movement of pimped/pumped and dumped products which are destined to be total loss liabilities ….. for whenever the notion of success requires everything to be profitable [require the price of everything to include an entirely arbitrarily decided extra cost for nothing physically additional] in order to be attractive and compelling, are those systems guaranteed to fail catastrophically as increasing rapid price rises for base commodities and vital services cannot be justified by government inaction/tacit agreement.
You may like to consider that scenario, which unfolds at an increasingly prodigious rate once base positions start to unwind and display signs of unbearable future weaknesses, is where you is at bro with particular and peculiar regard to present day capitalist trade, flash fiat money and QE bonded markets.
And are you a useful fool and vital tool for continued perpetration of the fraud until its spectacular colossal collapse if you deny it and consider the news to be false/fake/made up?
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive” ….. Sir Walter Scott
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Nov 08:54 [2111120854] ….. just says out loud on
The IoT* Gift that Keeps on Giving ….. for All of the Right Reasons?
The fact that one man’s bug list is another’s product catalogue is the stuff of fiction that impinges upon realities energising nightmares and forced interventions in defence of vulnerabilities increasingly easily exploited by creative elements and disruptive agents, oft eventually subsequently painted as either genuine genii or malcontented miscreants alike.
And the fact/situation that an attack on such events with any plan to impose sanctions and/or punishments on perceived leaderships is an affront and assault on the emergence and utility of novel imagination and prime virgin intelligence, and whenever in perverse terrifying support of a stagnating status quo, is IT gravely to be regarded, whenever such powers are wrongly abused/ill used/targeted for severe punitive consequences are virtually guaranteed on worthy personnel responsible and accountable for the advent and spread of misery and systems enslavement ……. in another alternate way of looking at and understanding such an Internetworking of Things*
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Nov 13:30 [2111121330] ….. shining some light on a shadowy and shady situation on ??????
Re: The IoT* Gift that Keeps on Giving ….. for All of the Right Reasons?
Are you a Perl programmer? ….. steelpillow
Hmmm? Well ….. putting all joking aside, steel pillow, and now that you have asked …… I suppose the only honest surreal answer to that question is …… Yes, maybe I can be, and in any of its many possible guises from the sublime, Practical Extraction and Reporting Language right through to a ridiculous, Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister.
It would be a mistake though to imagine there be any specific defining label indicating there be an available confinement in any sort of vessel or particular allegiance to any favourite program or project, for such is a false and misleading assumption or presumption to make.
Have a beer. It’s Friday already again, and that’s what some folk live for.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Nov 16:14 [2111121614] …. ponders on
A Short Time will Tell whether it is High Time for IT to Short UKGBNI
There will be those who espouse that an honourable and competent UK Home Secretary should make a decision which refuses his [Lynch’s] extradition to the US for yet another manipulative show trial.
However, with so much apparent sleaze in evidence amongst the ranks of MPs and Conservative party colleagues, one has always to recognise that corruption may pervert the course of natural justice and deny innocent parties their due rest and peer comforts.
Then the SHTF* and no one emerges smelling rosy with some being buried up to their necks in all of the BS** they were expected to be pimping/pumping and dumping.
It will be very revealing to hear leading news of the latest choice, which all may assume be freely made but which may very well not be, for it be subject to corruptive influences and sleazy considerations.
* …… Shit Hits The Fan
** …… Bull Shit