amanfromMars [2104020848] …… pushes the boat out on https://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2021/04/210401.html

Rescue the soaked souls, if a coin flips hairy side up. Whatever the flag is:” ….. Serge C [2 April 2021 at 00:28]

Quite so, Serge C …… ignorant conflict has always been a self destructive zero sum game with any perceived gains a fleeting figment of arrogant imagination and fanciful failed intelligence.

Its persistent application in situations by humans is an abiding systemic weakness and catastrophic vulnerability with guarantees SMARTR Ware Warriors with and in any accurately targeted 0day attacks/spontaneous strategic tactical missives, an Overwhelmingly EMPowering Blast Advantage ……..in Absolute ProgramMING Project Leading Environments ….. with Heavenly Heights and Hellish Depths to Explore and Animate/Configure and Populate.

Global Operating Devices just doing their Work, REST and Play Thing with Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games.

Now, how one gets to there with all of that, and where everything goes to after all of that, would be a constantly moving picture show par excellence to make which would extremely easily change everything forever methinks, and in directions which only great imagination can supply and realise virtually into practically immediate physical and metaphysical existence.

Do you think that is something which a State and State ACTors or Non State ACTors and the Private and Pirate Sectors are best suited and booted to provide, mentor and monitor and nurture in order to sublimely educate and entertain and brainwash programmable subjects and reprogram brainwashed objects, or is such best exercised everywhere as a JOINT* AIdVenture** with an Almighty Resource Leading Sources Following?

* …… Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies
** ….. Advanced IntelAIgently designed Venture.

2 April 2021 at 08:48


amanfromMars [2104021022] ………… replying to Serge C on https://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2021/03/210331.html

In that case, so be it, and let it be, Serge C ….. it is not as if such cannot be easily done nowadays, is it.

Many know nothing of the early days of Beatlemania, which some would may say was very much the start of later revolutionary stars in the guise of entertaining heroes just doing their sublime thing 🙂 …… Let IT Be

And if you looking both for the catalyst and eternal source ……. Don’t Let Me Down

2 April 2021 at 10:22



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