amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Oct 08:25 [2010190825] ….. creating crashing and crushing novel waves on ?
Something to realise has always been the case …. since even before time immemorial began
Quantum tech is more complex still and won’t bend to Xi’s will.
Complicating quantum tech doesn’t bend to anyone’s will, it simply accompanies proprietary intellectual property holders to wherever they would choose to share it ….. and the very best of all such novel technological improvements/breakthroughs/paradigm shifts are invariably always developed further to retain and securely maintain any resulting outstanding advantage for much more than just the more than attractively adequate excessive practical reward which so many may be able to appear effortlessly to provide …. and especially so whenever the extreme base power of any such quantum leaping proprietary intellectual property through abuse and misuse is perfectly well understood by its guardian knights temporal …. and thus deemed to be avoided and prevented at whatever the cost.
Such makes it valuable beyond measure.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Oct 18:03 [2010191803] …. just saying again out loud on
Idiot’r’Us …. are surely to be them, for they are in the tiniest of ignorant arrogant minorities*?
What part of “Stop Digging a FCUKing Great Burial Hole for Yourselves” does the System not understand …… People Need to Reclaim the Internet
* Yeah …. it is inevitable. And how very odd that they do not see it. Ah well, Einstein obviously knew them extremely well ……. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” …… “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”