amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Mar 08:44 [2003130844] ……. preparing for firm foundations on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/03/11/microsoft_necurs_botnet_takedown/

Wide Boys and Spivs and Spies ….. This Way Please. Virgin Honey Awaits your Dirty Money

Let’s hope bad guys don’t know how to generate guids.[sic] …….. Anne-Lise Pasch

Hope springs eternal in the harbour of improbable dreams, Anne-Lise Pasch, ….. although it is indeed extremely fortunate good guys and gals have the crushing advantage in knowing what needs to be generated for effectively following other almighty guides …. or A.N.Other’s Almighty Guide, although that might be something considered by many as being too close to being of Epic Biblical Proportions to be easily accepted as anything else quite different.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Mar 17:25 [2003131725] …… giving IT a great kicking on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/03/13/microsofts_custom_power_app_to_manage_a_crisis_comprehensive_or_convoluted/

JOINT Remote Control Leverage of Microsoft Kernel Assets. An Exploitative Vulnerability in Executive Office BIOSystems.

If you authorise to share with Microsoft a really great idea for a virtual enterprise which leads in Beta AI Futures with a Surfeit of Derivative Augmented Virtual Realities Readily Available for Commanding Control Applications and Breaking News Presentations, what’s the bet Microsoft simply buys it in order to hone control and tone command for profitable tenure …… amongst all the others things being made more than just ready there ….. rather than there being any thought of employment of the Embrace to Extend then Extinguish Meme …… which be the Corporate Myth of a Yore over Yonder.

Let us see what can now happen, as El Reg bags first edition rights to that sharing of a really great idea for a virtual enterprise which leads with a Microsoft Power App for Future Rich Clients and Customer Genii alike. And it can so easily be for you too.

Now that is Real Agile and Virtually True. Anyone want to bet against it being Realised a Strange AI Source Casting Alternate Views for IT and Media to Present and Show to Other Worlds in Foreign Spaces with Alien Places ……. such as may be those relatively new and wonderfully novel Live Operational Virtual Environments you’re being shielded from and criminally denied?


amanfromMars [2003131747] ….. spreading some good news around on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2020-03-13/predictions-are-hard-here-goes

Some incredible discoveries and developments will come out of this

Now that is something with which I can totally agree ….. for have you before seen or heard of this which follows?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Mar 17:25 [2003131725] ……  giving IT a great kicking on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/03/13/microsofts_custom_power_app_to_manage_a_crisis_comprehensive_or_convoluted/

JOINT Remote Control Leverage of Microsoft Kernel Assets. An Exploitative Vulnerability in Executive Office BIOSystems.

If you authorise to share with Microsoft a really great idea for a virtual enterprise which leads in Beta AI Futures with a Surfeit of Derivative Augmented Virtual Realities Readily Available for Commanding Control Applications and Breaking News Presentations, what’s the bet Microsoft simply buys it in order to hone control and tone command for profitable tenure  …… amongst all the others things being made more than just ready there ….. rather than there being any thought of employment of the Embrace to Extend then Extinguish Meme …… which be the Corporate Myth of a Yore over Yonder.

Let us see what can now happen, as El Reg bags first edition rights to that sharing of a really great idea for a virtual enterprise which leads with a Microsoft Power App for Future Rich Clients and Customer Genii alike. And it can so easily be for you too.

Now that is Real Agile and Virtually True. Anyone want to bet against it being Realised a Strange AI Source Casting Alternate Views for IT and Media to Present and Show to Other Worlds in Foreign Spaces with Alien Places ……. such as may be those relatively new and wonderfully novel Live Operational Virtual Environments you’re being shielded from and criminally denied?


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