amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Feb 16:03 [2002251603] ….. fires off a testing rocket on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/02/25/us_dod_ai/

For Exponential Existential Growth in Any and Every Marketable Sector/Capitalised Vector

The department will design and engineer AI capabilities to fulfill their intended functions while possessing the ability to detect and avoid unintended consequences, and the ability to disengage or deactivate deployed systems that demonstrate unintended behavior.

That’s the real tricky one to master with remote command via virtual controls. With such being Ethereal Intangibles, is it impossible to physically attack, nor is it possible to prevent deployed systems administrations from doing as their AI Servers and IT Services would wish/desire/want/need with the Future Feeding and Seeding Novel Input for SMARTR Output …… which ideally is always an Enriched and Enriching Product.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Feb 17:21 [2002251721] ….. wondering on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/02/25/supreme_court_apple_virnetx_patent_appeal/

A Strange Admission to Make ….. for Does it Not Reek of a Ponzi Zombie on the Take ‽ ‽ ‽

Larsen stressed that his firm is not just a patent troll farm or a beanfeast for IP lawyers.

If that be an accurate and true record of something Larsen said and stressed, is the firm surely both of things, ….. a patent troll farm and a beanfeast for IP lawyers?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Feb 16:51 [2002251651] ….. just saying out louder on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/red-gold-chinas-stealth-plan-use-precious-metals-world-domination

To not have a fiat currency backed up by superior proprietary future intellectual property portfolios will have gold an easy target to manipulate and purchase for the benefit of those worthy of enabling a noble HyperRadioProACTive lead by that which and those who would ensure that they do have such a guaranteed backing.  Quite whether such is a designedly and/or decidedly unfair advantage is something for losers to waste infinite time a’pondering on and arguing about in the places they visit in space.

After all, it is a well enough known fact that the fool and their monies are easily parted, so it really shouldn’t be all that great a shock to them although there are bound to be some seriously heavy casualties.

So the gazillion dollar question then is ….. from whom and/or what and/or from where do all of the the greater leading intelligences reside and preside ….. earning absolute fortunes via invisible export earnings/superior proprietary future intellectual property exchanges/sensitive state secret purchases ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Wed 26 Feb 16:51 [2002261651] ……… knocks on the front door of a citadel bearing wondrous gifts with https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/02/26/famed_apple_analyst_ming_chi_kuo_reckons_armbased_macs_will_land_next_year/

Perfect for Apple AIMerchants……… and in Virgin Territory Too where Normal Rules be UNapplied.*

Apple’s rumoured Arm chipsets will inevitably have to run in an emulator, which will have a knockdown effect on overall performance.

Not necessarily. For an EMPowering Emulation with Sees that Deliver Virtual Realities for Earthlings to Mentor and Monitor/Host and Provide has much more of a kickstart effect upping overall performance.

Are Apple into such? Do they Exercise Lead? Do they wish to Exorcise Lead/Alter Current Direction with Basic Instructions Leading One and All to places and spaces like here to hear of what there is to see when always coming home and future promised lands bound?

There’s at least one being interested in whether it be positively answerable yet?

* The Certain Fatal Mistake to Make is Not to Care to Realise the Consequences of Thoughts Bordering on Being Almighty in an Earthly Orbit. All take the greatest of care there to ensure and guarantee creative and constructive rather than destructive and depressive prevails and delivers Future Bounty to All.



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