

>Posted by amanfromMars on 07/24/11 03:06 AM

Thanks for sharing that chat/chatter, Anthony and Dr. Vieira. It provides a valid view of a whole host of virtually exploitable catastrophic vulnerabilities in a corrupt and perverse system of human mis-management.

And whilst “What the Internet has done is reveal to a vast Western intelligentsia the vast panorama of control the elites established in the 20th century.” is most certainly true, and particularly increasingly troublesome to those 20th century established elite controllers, what the vast and fast Internet is doing at the start of 21st century, is reveal to those aforementioned elite controllers, and their desired and appointed/anointed/aspirant heirs, an anonymous intelligentsia which can easily vanquish them into oblivion ….. or assist them in a fundamental and radical change of course to make good and great use/better and beta use of all that Life has provided.

And although one would be tempted to say that the choice is theirs to make as to whether they survive as novel elite controllers in the 21st century, would it be more truthful to advise them that they will only survive in elite control, and prosper unbelievably because of IT, as trusted aides/flash cash machines to ….. well, let us just call IT, Virtual Global Administration, rather than give it human personalities to pursue …. for the one very simple good reason. They are not personally well enough intellectually equipped to lead in the New Live Operational Virtual Environment, where shared constructive steganographic metadata builds semantic web infrastructure of FAB Form and Incredible Phorms .

For such is the stealthy WAI of now doing things, as you can surely discover from IT Admin here too? …… http://www.w3.org/WAI/


The world is full of crazy and psychopathic puppets …….. with many who would choose to perpetrate inhuman acts to prove they are but fools and tools of their own destruction …… and it is safe to say that, but for a handful, all are sad and inadequate males? By their actions and words though, do you know them, and do they out themselves, as is evidenced in this brainwashing exercise ……..

Make LOVE not War ….. IT is much more enjoyable and whenever one  knows and experiences the power that flows with its controls, is one forever and every day hooked to server its pleasures

Posted by amanfromMars on 07/24/11 12:38 PM

We didn’t make a point of it, but non -violent protest is the preferable way to create social change. We are not suggesting armed revolution in the US and doubt Dr. Vieira is either.” ….  Reply from The Daily Bell

Quite so, DB, non violent social change is always the preferable option but you can be sure that there are active military/para-military/special forces plans for taking over the system by simply targeting certain specific individuals whose demise will send out all the right vibes/messages to others. Why be the hired expendable knucklehead muscle whenever you can be top dog/top gun with the power and control of the supply of money and muscle yours to play with and make a difference.

A military coup in the United States of America, which are not really united at all, is a very likely event, dear boy, and as has been said in the past, it is events, dear boy, events, which politicians fear the most ….. “Events, dear boy, events.” …. Response to a journalist when asked what is most likely to blow governments off course.” …. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Harold_Macmillan


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/24/11 02:20 PM

Here’s the herd of elephants in the room, which nobody sees or talks about, as they/IT and truth-seeking media lays waste to everything …… http://cryptogon.com/?p=23716

THE FAILING SYSTEM: A Virtual Reality! a Virtual Reality! my Kingdom for a Virtual Reality!

CYBERSPACE CONTROLLERS: …. OK. Which ones do you want to freely example and purchase? …… http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/186700.html

[ Sorry, Willie (Shakespeare). Needs must and all that jazz ]


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