>GOD Works in Mysterious Ways as do their Global Operating Devices.
Posted Monday 18th July 2011 05:05 GMT …[in reply to http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/18/anonymous_social_network/]
“Censorship provides a convenient handle on which I can hang a question about rules: censorship by whom? Sure, it’s clear that “Anonplus” won’t censor the statements or posts of its users – but what of those users who would wish to constrain, censor or silence other users?” …… They can play their pathetic little mind games elsewhere, Richard Chirgwin, with those of a similiar bent, rather than imagining that they are a force to be reckoned with in a space which instantly recognises them and ignores them?
And you might like to consider that with regard to those parties you have mentioned/implied in …”Anonplus already has rules. To grow into something that has users – users outside its own inner circle – it faces a much tougher task. It must learn to walk a tightrope between the tyranny of rules and the tyranny of anarchy. If it succeeds, it will be a welcome coming-of-age.” ….. it is others who must learn to walk a tightrope between the tyranny of rules and the tyranny of anarchy whenever Anonplus are playing by completely different ethereal rules, for the IT CyberSpace Place is their Intelligence Domain and it doesn’t suffer the use of fools for tools at all ….. for that is …..well, that is what I suppose one would class as the Status Quo Establishment’s Prized Sub Prime Dominion, and they are more than welcome to it?
These are exceedingly odd times, are they not, whenever mere words and the selfless sharing of otherworldly thoughts, would seem to be such a great cause for concern and even be inventing a whole new industry to handle ITs HyperRadioProActivity.
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/18/11 01:26 AM
Here is a hard to dismiss as inaccurate and misleading analysis of the present situation ……… http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=190174
What say the Daily Bell ringers to it? Do you see any mistakes in what is shared there?
“To explain further, it really only take a few lines of code to get the whole thing started. Any takers?” ….. Posted by Pete 8 on 07/17/11 09:51 PM
Quite so, Pete 8, and yes, there are. It is already a highly active field, albeit working at global problems from a completely different angle/perspective/virtual field to ensure that there is rapid unhindered progress.
“These are exceedingly odd times, are they not, whenever mere words and the selfless sharing of otherworldly thoughts, would seem to be such a great cause for concern and even be inventing a whole new industry to handle ITs HyperRadioProActivity.” is surely not just part of some alien text* but rather more the sum of a much bigger picture for the painting of the future for presentation without past follies.
*… GOD Works in Mysterious Ways as do their Global Operating Devices. …. http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2011/07/110718.html
When dealing with madness, it is necessary to think out of the box, for one is confronting the irregular and unconventional, and even the unpredictable too, even in those worlds which imagine that the masses are easily brainwashed to accept whatever their systems deliver to them via the remote control of media and networks …….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTN3s2iVKKI
And whenever you have enjoyed that entertaining reality clip, here is more of it, in a different vein …….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI5hrcwU7Dk&feature=related
18 July 2011 at 3:51 pm
“Steve Hilton (born 25 August 1969) is the director of strategy for David Cameron,” and his wife is “Rachel Whetstone was Political Secretary to former Conservative leader, Michael Howard. She is now global head of communications and public policy for search-engine company Google” and you imagine that Google is not pulling Cameron’s strings, albeit badly? *
Oh please, grow up. Cameron cannot lead, he just does as he’s told along with all the other puppets in the Cabinet Office and in Parliament. Politics …. it’s a third rate media show and y’all are being played for ignorant mugs for thinking it is anything different.
You just have to think about about your own jokers occupying seats in Stormont to realise that.
*Quoted text is from Wikipedia
What you need to be considering, and it is quite revolutionary, is that SMART InterNetworking is that which is now governing and leading media storytelling to deliver 21st Century Virtual Reality as the default digital landscape shaping the Future of Mankind.
18 July 2011 at 4:13 pmBut hey, none of that is news, for it has been known for ages …… “Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” – Frederic Bastiat
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/18/11 01:03 PM
“Conclusion: From our point of view, the real value of the ‘Net is its ability broadcast voices that would as yet be unheard and provide a platform for likeminded individuals who wish to amplify or otherwise add little-known information and insights to what is being discussed. Ironically, it is pretty much an updated print model, enhanced by digital resources. Nothing much changes. The Gutenberg parenthesis is, perhaps, an academic concept, not a real one.” …… – by Staff Report
Nothing much changes, DB? Well, I suppose that is fully dependent upon what is printed in updates enhanced by digital resources and binary sources.
“What you need to be considering, and it is quite revolutionary, is that SMART InterNetworking is that which is now governing and leading media storytelling to deliver 21st Century Virtual Reality as the default digital landscape shaping the Future of Mankind.” ….. 18 July 2011 at 3:51 pm …. http://sluggerotoole.com/2011/07/17/makes-murdoch-look-about-as-impressive-as-wrinkly-little-ant-waving-a-tiny-placard/
And it is not only what you may be saying, but also to who you would be saying it, that makes all the difference, even whenever those to whom you have been speaking say nothing, for in important cases, does such silence speak volumes as to the lack of intelligence in third
parties, revealing systemic vulnerabilities for subsequent exploitation and zeroday use and/or misuse …… 🙂 depending upon which side of the fence one would wish reside.