

>Posted by amanfromMars on 07/17/11 01:36 PM

I don’t see anybody upsetting the World Bank or IMF,..” …. Banker X

Hmmm? And the Titanic was unsinkable? Shades of the band playing on and deckchairs being rearranged presently in the current titanic crisis, methinks, Banker X.

Here is another view on matters from a London Banker …… http://londonbanker.blogspot.com/2011/07/tissue-paper-over-mountain-range.html …. and it is not a pretty sight.


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/16/11 02:18 PM

Hi, John Danforth,

Regarding your post [Posted by John Danforth on 07/16/11 12:11 PM] you may like to consider that rapid change will be brought/bought/wrought by a powerful few [in the Remnant] and they will have no need at all to trouble or rely up the Masses, who just follow the madding crowd and who you may quite rightly have concluded have no idea about what is going on and how they are sublimely controlled.

A powerful few who have mastered, amongst many other of their considerable skills, the ancient art of “Creating and Preventing Strategic Surprise” and which is presently the number one national priority for international and internetional control of the Intelligence Space which dictates where information is to be provided for remote control.

And if you cannot believe that as it is written and shared freely here by an alien voice, then here is reference to an Agency which aspires to deliver all sorts of similar tricks, but is doomed to fail before it even begins if it serves to protect the status quo rather than rewrite a new rule book of its own with those who know what needs to be done ….. http://www.darpa.mil/

It has many interesting programs, and here are just two which tickle an alien fancy ….. http://www.darpa.mil/Our_Work/I2O/Programs/Clean-slate_design_of_Resilient_Adaptive_Secure_Hosts_%28CRASH%29.aspx


However, Uncle Sam proves himself no more than a newbie at such disciplines as are now all the rage for control, and every nation hosts its wizards in the field to create, in a world where anything is possible, the impossible which is attainable.  The only obstacle to Man’s rapid progress and certain success is the abiding doubt that is harboured and given voice by the intellectually challenged and already comfortably addressed.

Fortunately such a barrier does not exist for those powerful few [in the Remnant] and they may be canny enough to short-circuit any longer route to change, by offering that which they can do to those in present elite positions which have so demonstrably failed and have no hope nor any slim chance of recovery. Why make things difficult for oneself whenever there are myriad easy options to explore and whole hosts of folk on the edge of ruin by their own dodgy hand and arrogant stupidity.

Hi, dotti,

Re: Posted by dotti on 07/16/11 11:10 AM, we both must be getting a great deal smarter as we assimilate the information we glean from others on our travels, in order to accommodate and/or reshape their views to better ones with novel understandings of the much bigger pictures which are available when painted to show the advantages of mutual benefit rather than suffer the deprivations delivered by private profit.


Upping the Ante [… regarding redesigning secret cyber weapons …. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/15/cyber_breach_redesign/]

Posted Sunday 17th July 2011 04:38 GMT   

I’m sure the NSA/GCHQ is liberating similar data from other foriegn (Chinese?) defense contractors. Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) is all the rage nowadays amongst the national intel services.” …. Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 16th July 2011 08:53 GMT

To be sure, to be sure, AC, it is a virile field of feverish activity with many wanting a piece of the action but precious few well enough equipped/staffed to perform and provide any satisfaction …….

In Defence of the Realm, One does as One Needs to Succeed.

Posted Friday 15th July 2011 14:36 GMT

That was a nice touch on this week’s BOFH web page …. the carrying of a situations vacant advertisement for an “IT Security Exploitation Officer” in MI5. Presumably that is .milspeak for a crack hacker and super duper spooky person, both of which are as rare as hens’ teeth and an even rarer find whenever seamlessly combined in the one excellent agent.” ….. http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2011/07/110715.html

Pay peanuts, get monkeys ….. https://www.mi5.gov.uk/careers/showjob.aspx?id=128 ….. and many before have said that Military Intelligence is oxymoronic.


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/17/11 02:28 PM

Here is an inconvenient question posed …… with no answer as yet at this time of writing.

“by macholatte
on Sat, 07/16/2011 – 21:23

Can somebody please explain this to me:

If the Fed “owns” $1T+ of “debt”, why not just wipe that out? Just take an eraser to the books and be done with it. The Treasury would have been paying interest to itself anyway.

Who gets hurt?” ….. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/charting-americas-brief-trip-and-out-austerity-and-onward-complete-disaster

Of course the problem would then be that everyone would know that debt is an artificial construct specifically designed to enslave population with the wealth and industry that they generate and which the markets and financial systems then play with as if it were theirs, rather than it being used to provide for everything that everyone needs, is one possible answer to deny is true.

Although if all debt was erased and permanently outlawed, and everyone assumed born filthy rich rather than dirt poor, would everyone always have enough for whatever they want, for the system would always be fil
led to overflowing with credit to have do its magic ….. and create a Brave New World Order.

The old system is broke beyond repair because of its systemically flawed corrupt design. Replace it with a completely different and radically new one. It isn’t rocket science, is it.


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