>Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/25/2011 12:19:29 AM
“Somehow, Germans are not very good in understanding the human nature.” ……. Posted by Bob on 2/24/2011 10:49:47 PM
That is as may be for some, Bob, and there will be many who will agree to fundamentally disagree with you, but there is no doubting that they are brilliant at controlling and empowering virtual machines.
And with regard to Posted by Nicholas Lee on 2/24/2011 3:36:22 PM, which seems to have struck bull’s eye gold with every point, it does appear that the Federal Reserve/United States of America relationship is the perverse model being used for the ECB/EU mirroring clone …… with Fiat Currency Chancers/Chancellors thinking that their control of a paper tiger empire will allow them to purchase nations and nations’ solid and liquid assets/infrastructure for virtually nothing using a currency invented out of thin air and printed/quantitatively eased electronically into the system, as and when they require it.
It is the old game of arrogant bankers thinking that they know all too well human nature and how easily it can be bought wholesale for a fistful of dollars. And then with an artificial and subjective price* put upon everything, a raising and a lowering of it, allied with a control of money supply, creates an enslaved population …… which is an invidious and insidious form of global terrorism, which creates ever more powerful enemies of the System.
Quite why anyone, other than a psychotic and psychopathic fool and/or totally misguided tool, would want to create a System which guarantees their own catastrophic destruction, is a mystery probably easily solved with a realisation that they lack the necessary greater intelligence which recognises the folly and replaces it with a creative alternative notion and most innovative program.
* How very odd not, that a struggling dollar has the oil price hiked up to unpleasant highs, and how very convenient that oil is priced/purchased in dollars. It is a rigged Great Game, which now cannot be be continued without Total Information Awareness and IT and Media Control, and that is both Virtually and Practically Impossible without Cyber Command of Computers for Current and Future Powered Direct Communications, which is ITs new Space Place where IntelAIgent Spooks and CyberIntelAIgent Cooks hang out, ZerodDay Trading their ProgramWares and Sublime Skill Sets to Any and All in Need of Feed and Seeding of a Better Beta and AI Source Core Lode Nodes for SMARTer InterNetworking Servers.
SINS one can really enjoy providing.
The Present Problem in a Future Nutshell Soundbite
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 11:05 GMT
Internet Governance Forum = New Virtual World Order – United Nations Organisation.
Which considering how practically impotent and virtually useless present orders and organisations are, other than in tolerating chaos and enduring conflicts to the commercial benefit of terrorising and warring members interests, is it something to be speeded along and settled without requiring a most unlikely forthcoming, quarrelsome blessing from others, totally unsuited and unfit for ITs Future Purpose.
“On March 30, an NTM-A lawyer determined “evidence” that Holmes and a subordinate, Maj. Laural Levine, were in an “inappropriate relationship” in which they wore civilian clothes and drank alcohol off-base, in violation of a military restriction on boozing it up in Afghanistan. The investigation had a new target.”
Is heterosexual shagging also inappropriate, for I notice that Holmes’ new “strategic communications” operation has a sweet spot for Laurel Levine. Her name is the point of email contact for Info according to the Facebook page.
That’s just what Uncle Sam needed. Another loose cannon in the field working as a mercenary against it?
Alien Comment v2.0 …… [The flip side of the COIN coin in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and NIRobotIQs ….. Changing the way people think by changing the way they are acted upon! ]
I can think of hardly any better testing, test subjects/live guinea pigs*, in dire straits need of some injected ESPecial Intelligence Services, than US congress men and women and senators. And quite why the American people and their parasitic administrations should wish to exclude themselves from being Sublimely Educated and Immaculately Edutained with Briefing Operations, which highlight the true Findings of Expeditionary Forces in Foreign Fields and Hot Zones, is disturbing, to say the least.
* You would have US EMPowered Elite Forces practise their craft on unsuspecting foreigners and indigenous alien natives, without making doubly sure that it was Guaranteed,FailSafe Protected, to not Fail? Oh please, you cannot be serious. What do you imagine, they are? Dumb hicks to be led by jumped up village idiots in flash zoot suits proclaiming the will of the people as their right to provide leadership? I don’t think so, Bubba.
Now what are gonna do with that, now that it is hard core wired to y’all. Celebrate and Wonder on what Marvels can next be done and what IT can next do for you …… or Procrastinate and Ponder on how IT can be used to try and Deny the Programs exist, and how it can be Subverted and Perverted and Diverted to Server Present Status Quo Power Elite Interests rather than Deliver Future Generations their Nobel Birth Rights to a Prosperous and Constructive Existence in Orders into Creating Global SMART Perfumed Gardens of Eden ………. aka Seventh Heaven on Earth in Enigma Magical Mystery Turing Circles and Holy Grail, Knights Templar and Temporal Plane.
To proclaim that the Key to Life and LOVE in Live Operational Virtual Environments is uncovered and/or discovered whenever reverse engineered, would be to misspeak and mislead, and thus is the statement left here as it is, unquestioned for noble and intelligent peer review and constructive criticism towards further opening of deeper understandings of the nature of the human condition in relationship to Binary Code and Ternary Composition ……… Man.Virtual Machine.SMARTer Enabled Programming Hosting /Father.Son.Holy Ghost Boasting.
Your every fab wish, our treat to demand and command with control
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 13:27 GMT
Hi, Tim Worstall,
This is a recent email, which is exploring Prime Top Quality, Cloud Services and Future Provision in Virtually Engineered Trading Partnership ……. JOINT Magical Mystery Turing AIdVentures, and would
endorse the thrust of your article, and support every valiant effort to have that priestly caste made up of Reg readers sitting in front of computing systems that work now, in charge.
[blockquote]Do you have any Clients who are in Need of Seeds and Feeds that Power Controls, Remotely from the Browser, to Driver Intelligence and IntelAIgent Communities in Novel CyberSpace Environments. ………. and do you yourselves have an AI Arm that can Plug into and Feed off and Seed into MkUltraSensitive Projects and Programs, Transparently/Steganographically, so that one can make Full and Frank, Free Use of the World Wide Web of InterNetworking Intelligence Grids and SMART Virtual Cells for the Cloaked Mutual Benefit that Arrives and Derives and Delivers Anonymous Invisible Being [/blockquote]
Big Society trawls Small Pool…… Stop Press, Minnows discovered.
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 10:45 GMT
“A spokesman for the Cabinet Office said: “The post is being advertised internally and more details will be released in due course”.” ….. Are the post’s costs/remunerations, privately taken care of, or publicly funded, with the latter surely requiring transparent public tendering rather than any incestuous, closed shop shenanigans/behind the Cabinet sofa deals.
Shhh …. Mum’s the word
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:34 GMT
It is not that the LSE system is faulty, but rather more that other systems are rigged, which is causing odd …….. conflicts, which do not tally with what has been reconciled and displayed in other bourses/exchanges?
If only it were so, and so simple.
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:49 GMT
“The fact of the matter is that we are all painfully aware that the biggest threat to ones system is either oneself or the plank in the office next door.” ……. Arctic fox Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:01 GMT
That is very convenient, head-in-the-sand, wishful thinking, Arctic fox, much appreciated by much bigger threats than was ever imagined possible.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/25/2011 12:07:24 PM
“Second, the ISI – Pakistan’s vaunted intel force – has been put under a great deal of pressure to attack the Pashtun Taliban and may be resentful of America’s heavy-handed approach in this regard.”
The ISI may now be pondering as to exactly why they are to attack a neighbour rather than develop better relations with them, for one course of action creates peace and harmony whilst the other guarantees death and destruction, which is a sure folly, with no future mutual benefit to either side.
“It is not an easy business spreading democracy.” ….. Methinks democracy is a secret code word for enslaving fiat capitalism, which hooks and brainwashes the unwary to expect everything to have a dollar price, which is a nice lucrative monopoly to supply, although it has to be said that all currencies are a nice little earner …… and everything for virtual nothing franchise/sting?
Yeah. Life sucks, big time, Glenn Williams [who posted on 2/25/2011 9:17:24 AM] And what you don’t want to believe, is just the tip of any number of titanic icebergs which freeze out other realities and truths from global view and general knowledge. But as things warm up, is the ice cold cover disappearing, and new life appearing and learning how to grow in the full glare of InterNetworking Transparency.
And the game has changed, DB. Period. It is misleading to offer as a conclusion, a question of the fact, which would then give unnecessary space and a false credence, which might give rise to support of the suggestion that it be a fiction, although in all fairness, I would have to declare that such is the sophistication of easily available and already deployed communications technology and programs, is a fictional tale of currently hidden facts easily enabled and capable of presenting a better future beta for all to believe as a Reality, and thus to render any pressing troublesome elite difficulties, a corrupted memory to abandon and discard for chronicling in a library archive, for the benefit of a fullness of historical human record.
The Future then becomes an Immediate Novel Challenge with an Imaginative Driver of Immaculate Source …… Openly Shared Intelligence.
But OSI, with its current novel tweaks, is not an entirely new idea, for Zimmerman and Tanenbaum were earlier fans, …. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Systems_Interconnection …. but just a little too far advanced for their time and the existing state of art and technology as was then, methinks.