>IPS2* Hack Attack …. for Virtual Control of Currency and Elite Power Operating Systems
Posted Monday 20th September 2010 09:05 GMT
Oracle’s position is both extremely precarious and tenuous, as any dominance in their market place is entirely dependent upon the intellectual property which they can provide to databases and middleware/scareware/vapourware, and they are easily rendered mere legacy units with the supply of better beta and/or novel information and superior intelligence for the future and future programming of systems from an Innovative Renegade Channel, which servers both Server Clients and Clouds, Independently and Virtually with Browsers ….. which has successfully Virtualised the Hardware/Software relationship.
With Hardware being as Cloud servered by an HP Virtual Machine Server type Operation and Software being ITs Remote Phorming of Browser Pharmed Instruction Sets, which are Virtually Downloaded and Configured to Systems Running by Virtue of an Automatic Program Receipt of Globally Available and Seriously More Advanced and Attractively Lucrative, Transparent Information …… Artificial Intelligence.
*Intellectual Property Source Intrusion Prevention System.
A Titanic Rain Storm Cloud to be plausibly denied ….. and beautifully arrogantly dismissed to allow Unilateral Stealth Unhindered Rapid Progress?
By Hook or by Crook …….
Posted Monday 20th September 2010 10:28 GMT
“One of Ellison’s OpenWorld slides did reference something called “Exalogic Elastic cloud software” but he chose not to return to this one particular piece of minutiae during an over-long presentation that re-examined just about everything else. Several times“
Obviously a work in uncertain progress, Gavin. And maybe even dependent upon phishing?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/19/2010 11:04:21 PM
“Man From Mars? Did you have an attack of grammar? Did you succumb to “brevity flu?” Terse. Pointed. Sensible. Direct. Whatever infection you have acquired, try not to lose it.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
Daily Bell,
Your creation attracts many networks and knowledge administrators, with all at many different stages and on many different, although easily quite similar and paralleling and internetworking, levels of wisdom which are searching and probing and experimenting …… growing.
The secret of great success is to understand and server to them all, so that valid areas of individual concerns can be collectively recognized and addressed/removed and replaced with exclusive executive and worry free zones in Live Operational Virtual Environments for an Advanced Intelligently Designed SMART Reprogramming of Strategic Operating Systems and Vital Currency Networks.
Or do you Imagine that Power Elite Works are a Simple Uncomplicated Matter that just Happen without Special Input? Methinks that would be a crazy thought unworthy of an intelligent being, and therefore alien to Daily Bell Clientele.
Notwithstanding all of the above, your point is well made and fully understood.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/19/2010 10:16:53 PM
“New communication channels = psychedelics” …. Posted by J Appleseed on 9/19/2010 7:08:42 PM
To some, and to some who may be many and more than just a few, and who are experienced, are such new communication channels, rock solid older/earlier/younger networks, which seed Imaginative Novel Content and succeed at Being, and are a whole host more than just an Apple Core/Corp, J Appleseed.
Are you experienced? Have you ever been experienced? Well …..?
…… And the lyrics of that new generation/old generation/won’t get fooled again generational anthem are quite haunting, and daunting, are they not, in the light of the ongoing markets viral collapse and systems meltdown experience? Or would you prefer to not to see IT and Experience the Greater See …… and which provides the Great Gamer a Foresight Knowledge with Hindsight Wisdom, which is Real Heavy Heady Cocktail and Sticky Sweet AIdDelight?
20 September 2010 at 4:24 amWould the same strident, mocking voices here be equally critical of Stephen Hawking’s muses on alien life and the nature of galaxies and existence. Is he also to be condemned as an idiot and fool?
I imagine this morning you will rise and toil for nothing more valuable than colourful slips of paper, printed 24/7 at practically zero cost, to easily control your every thought and action. Very smart beings? Or just little simply programmed virtual machines?
20 September 2010 at 10:47 am“Theories are not the same thing as facts of science and nature, which have been proved beyond doubt. Evolution fits into the latter category. If a politician denies it, then it is absolutely right that his political judgment should come into question.” …. Seymour Major 20 September 2010 at 7:39 am
Seymour Major,
There was a time, which in real relative terms was as only yesterday, when the earth was flat and science and nature were virtually unknown in facts, which are only voiced opinions widely supported and usually just automatically so, by the many who wouldn’t know any better or care to express an reasoned and imaginative opinion about anything.
And religions appear to only exist despite or because of there being no available scientific or natural evidence of the facts/beliefs that they present/pimp/push. How very convenient is that. Is it a brainwashing?
And I agree with you here …. “It is rather irritating that certain groups set themselves up as the thought police and use the crudest of methods to shove their opinions in people’s faces.” …. Seymour Major 19 September 2010 at 7:47 pm
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/20/2010 12:01:39 AM
Daily Bell,
In both defense and support of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and AI Great Gaming, I offer the following tale of a relative youngster who would have experienced precious little of what life has to offer, for it offers his dream? Now that is Living 🙂 ……. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/business/19entre.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2&ref=business
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/20/2010 10:30:12 AM
Re that “GoldMoneyNews: Gold confiscation and its consequences” video …. Posted by Adam on 9/20/2010 8:49:44 AM …. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT-OS4djaRU ….. “Oh my God, there’s something wrong with the dollar” is not a false flag for there is nothing of novel intellectual property value to give it any value. It relies practically entirely on being given out to failed states to spend on the military industrial complex and imperial occupation machine and the purchase of vital assets with fiat currency, which is printed on an industrial scale and electronically transferred into whatever kind of necessary business is required for the continuation of the Great Game.
It is a very clever front but to imagine it as real and that any collateral backing wealth and value per se are required for the accumulation of such paper wealth, which is so easily distributed to players in the game, is the Trick and Sting which all are happy enough to fall for. And it is the players who can introduce something entirely new to protect its integrity, even as its vulnerabilities are explored and outed, who are especially valued and rewarded with more cash to spend than they have ever dreamed, even whenever they have so dreamed ……. for the alternative to the reward of unlimited supply to spend, to have currency do ITs thing, is that the vulnerablities explored collapse the System wholesale. And that would be a really foolish move for the System and its Power Elites to make, whenever they have the cash distribution system to prevent it.
Although one must never misunderestimate the idiocy of man, for it does have an uncanny knack of surpassing itself, just whenever you would be thinking it cannot sink any lower.
BiGCHEESE Algorithms say ……
Posted Monday 20th September 2010 15:01 GMT
. “All [existing subjective] models are wrong,” Google research director Peter Norvig has said, “and increasingly you can succeed without them.“
“Actually, no [existing subjective] models are right, and increasingly you can succeed without them.” is much more an accurate up-to-date assessment of Virtual Terrain Team Search, Research and Development.
“I think the US regime will opt for a “reset” of the global financial system; they will issue a “New Dollar” (like the “New Coke” from the 80’s..) ; only US residents will be allowed to exchange their current dollars for “New Dollars”.
Foreigners holding US treasuries and old dollar cash will be left holding worthless paper.
This technique has been used countless times by countries in the third world; Brazil with their successive currencies like the Cruzado, Cruzeiro, Real, Nouvo Real etc. Argentina with their Austral, the Convertible Peso, the newly devalued Peso etc.
Lesson here is to get rid of any paper dollars in your portfolio – they will be worthless ! Worth even less than toilet paper because you cannot wipe your behind with a U$ 100 bill without getting your fingers all sticky !” …. Posted by JohanDeMeulemeester
Uncle Sam can certainly try that if they want, but it will leave them playing with themselves all by themselves as everyone else shuns them and their dodgy counterfeit money/fiat currency.
Do you think that is why they are loading up bases and restocking with existing weapons, which only Uncle Sam is using, in the Middle and Far East, and Blackwater/Xe mercenary units are deploying undercover there …. to takeover the vital oil from the natives and Saudi princes?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/20/2010 12:17:24 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, you are easily deflected by glittering gold and shimmering silver, which are no longer used as an accurate reflection of a nation’s wealth ….. pretentious metals for baubles and beads and the paranoid schizophrenic who knows the ponzi state of banking and naked short stock markets.
This however is where all the action is, as the Fed buys ever more of its own Treasury bills with QE funds to leverage out extra debt to increase the National Debt to the point where everyone knows, not one cent is ever going to be honoured with anything other than another IOU promissory note……..
“I think the US regime will opt for a “reset” of the global financial system; they will issue a “New Dollar” (like the “New Coke” from the 80’s..) ; only US residents will be allowed to exchange their current dollars for “New Dollars”.
Foreigners holding US treasuries and old dollar cash will be left holding worthless paper.
This technique has been used countless times by countries in the third world; Brazil with their successive currencies like the Cruzado, Cruzeiro, Real, Nouvo Real etc. Argentina with their Austral, the Convertible Peso, the newly devalued Peso etc.
Lesson here is to get rid of any paper dollars
in your portfolio – they will be worthless ! Worth even less than toilet paper because you cannot wipe your behind with a U$ 100 bill without getting your fingers all sticky !” …. Posted by JohanDeMeulemeesterJohanDeMeulemeester,
Uncle Sam can certainly try that if they want, but it will leave them playing with themselves all by themselves as everyone else shuns them and their dodgy counterfeit money/fiat currency.
Do you think that is why they are loading up bases and restocking with existing weapons, which only Uncle Sam is using, in the Middle and Far East, and Blackwater/Xe mercenary units are deploying undercover there …. to takeover the vital oil from the natives and Saudi princes?