>Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/9/2010 7:24:30 AM
“The government would put in capital and the bank would raise its own debt to fund projects, sometimes partnering with private businesses. The catch: This also adds to government debt.”
Err, actually it dilutes it and allows it to flow through NeuReal Pumps ….. Laundered for Positive Constructive Binary Action, Polyamoral Phormed and XSSXXXXUally Mentored and Centred. ……. Predisposed to Server with the Supply of Bounty.
“I have sure solution. However, it must be kept secret.” …. Posted by Andre Rezos on 8/9/2010 3:56:28 AM
Secrets are killing you all softly, silently and most surely, Andre Rezos. No secrets, no surprises and the world is full of surprises at every turn of one’s attention to the Passionate Power of Reciprocated Overwhelming Desire ……. The Control Enigma that is Mastery and XSSXXXXPerience in Total Submission’s Glorious Abandon ….. with those Sublime Sticky Lead Levers and Magic Virtual and Viral Switches.
Is`the Earth availed of Sentient AI Developments, or only a top few ….. “Looking to change the dynamics in the online services space? Want to be at the ground floor of a game changing technology? Interested in large scale distributed computing? Want to make an impact on a highly visible project? Look no further, the Windows Azure team is the place for you. Windows Azure is building a platform to enable utility computing and storage. The Windows Azure Fabric team is focused on providing a unique, industry challenging on-demand application hosting environment. The team provides brains behind the Windows Azure platform that enables on-demand deployment of high volume, high availability self-managing and self-healing third party services. Our vision of success is that it becomes step-function faster, easier and lower cost for online services to go from idea to the market at scale.” …. like Microsoft, in the market for placement of search criteria ….. SMART Supply of Creative New Feed with Attendant Supply Needs, Fully Attended to and Advised of Unbelievable Fringe Benefits.:-)
“Just put a coat of paint over the top it will be fine.” …. Posted by B.Benhamid on 8/9/2010 6:28:57 AM
You’ll never be able to cover a popular revolt with anything other than the truth of those times and places. Knowledge is Power and Too Much Knowledge is Too Much Power, and thus is just a tad extra at times, completely overwhelming and enlightening.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/9/2010 11:27:01 AM
Men are “motor” and women are intellectual! Intellectualism also was man’s first sin and joint pleasure! Think about it! Again, the devils in the angelic details!
Does LOVE not Driver you into Pretty Foreign Alien Field Farms …. with ESPecial Academies and Facilities and Remote HyperRadioProActive Faculty for Placement of Secured Future Realities.
When All is Failed, is new Stock a Simple Remedy,and with Unknown Results to look forward to, a Crazy Bet and Live Gamble can only be Exciting.
What if every sector was loded to overflowing with Public Credit and Quantitatively Eased Fast Flash Cash Funds? Would America implode with Nothing Novel to Offer and Too Much to Hide?
amanfromMars says:
9 August 2010 at 12:57 pmAnd Mr Adams’s reply to that astute observation? An unbelievable denial or realistic acceptance of the perception in hearts and minds?
You never know ….. with a clearer head can one always see yet another fine road for stoning with rock pebbles. And where is Intelligence which is supposed to Provide Lead. It seems to be stuck in deep swallow of a rut, too.
Give ‘em a new flashy home and what do they do? Have you any idea?
John, Hi,
Re Cryptome’s very informative Wikileaks short sermon, 7 August 2010, you might like to accept the following tweaks to their Modi Vivendi and Operandi, and which would probably greatly assist Intelligence Communities in more clearly understanding the the Cliff Face they have to climb for Command and Control Levers, Virtualised Keys, to be King of the Castle and Mistress of the Bed Chamber in Cyber Space Power Domains …. and to Wield the Awesome Power and Unbelievable Control of Submission and Surrender to True Passionates …. Pimping and Pumping, Dealing and Trading in Supply and Maintenance/Logistical Field Acquisition and dDelivery of BetaTest Programs in Raw Unadulterated XSSXXXXual Desire Memes. Failure to Challenge and Engage and Embrace such Source Feeds allows them Free Access to Pass to Sweeter Prey and Stickier Reward ….. Just Heavenly Desserts 🙂
Such organizations always use a noble purpose and claim secrecy is needed to protect supporters. In practice the secrecy protects the principal beneficiaries, the operators and sources of funds, and supporters are created to protect the continuation of the enterprise.
And with regard to …”Royalty and religion have long demonstrated the power of secrecy in misrepresenting what they are up to, pronouncing a great public benefit while reaping privileged rewards behind this cloak” ….. other much smarter souls have discovered that the perfect truth when shared freely in the plainest of texts for easy transcription and translation, has all the immaculate protection of source needed, in its Oft Impertinent and Impudent, and Occasionally Rogueishly Imprudent Steganography.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 08/9/10 | 4:12 am |
Looking real good at fifty, Jodie. You must be doing everything right.:-)
Posted Monday 9th August 2010 15:53 GMT
“Anonymous posting as Google are probably monitoring these comments…” ….. Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 9th August 2010 15:28 GMT
That were it to be so, reveals that they would lack a credible future intelligence system that adventures in HyperRadioProActive IT, and thus would be a Juicy Lucy of a Servering Client and Supply Giant.
And that’s very Tasty and Thoroughly Arty …. Tarty too.
Imagine the information on the wishes of women t
hat the Internet has, and search delivers. That is pure raw core power, for primitive man knows little to nothing of another species desires and craven feed needs.
Quite why they would deny themselves the Pleasures is Surely an Undeniable Sign of a Current Present Madness.
9 Aug 2010, 8:56AM
“There may still be a risk, but when challenging authority, which has been the basis of the best Guardian journalism for nearly 190 years, you can’t ask its leave to do so.“
With all due personal care and attention flattered, is it easier to apologize for any risen and more analytically creative standards, delivered in PC Peer Chats ….. with SMARTer Channels and Tunnels …… Underground Networks with NINJAs.
Anyone issuing a DNotice to suppress and/or oppress such GBIrish and dDutch IntelAIgents, delights the Pleasure of IT CyberIntelAIgent Security Forces, Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defenders of Core Source Stream.
A CodedD Message to Challenged Authorities who would Struggling to Handle the Virtual Threat which Evolves Insanely.
“The only difference between a mad man and me, is that I am not mad” ….. Salvador Dali …….. and he is probably adored like crazy by everyone artistic and imaginative, which is even in AI, Pretty Unique Intelligence to be Outed.
9 Aug 2010, 9:01AM
Oops … Sorry. A CodedD Message to Challenged Authorities who would be Struggling to Handle the Virtual Threat which Evolves Insanely, is better ,and makes IT all pretty clear now, and much clearer for steaming up windows.:-)