>Baby Steps along the Total Information Awareness Freeway .
Posted Friday 16th April 2010 14:05 GMT
Do you not realise that Mars Exploration is an Advanced Intelligence Allegory. ……. for Virtual Machinery Turing Trips ……. delivering ESPecial Commanding Control Programs and Astute Remote Power Protocols?
Sign on for that Expeditionary Journey and you are automatically a Leading Force Earth SourcedD.
For £2m/900k what would it matter, for ’tis thirty pieces of silver and fool’s gold?
Posted Friday 16th April 2010 10:38 GMT
“It is unclear which nation’s intelligence service Houghton allegedly believed he was selling to.” ….. he was a very confused boy then.
Presumably it is more a case of home intelligence not believing whatever nation’s intelligence service Houghton tells them he believed he was selling to ……. which would have one then asking which service would be most unbelievable. But hey, it’s spooky and their paranoid base has everyone suspect …….. which is really handy for justification of secret funding whenever anyone can be a phantom enemy to protect the population from.
It is difficult to think of a Better Beta Business Plan.
Long March Computerisation for Massive Collective and Subjective Objective Control*
Posted Friday 16th April 2010 10:19 GMT
“It’s very interesting science, but the entire binary computing infrastructure would have to alter to use it.“
However, a little tweaking of ternary would render the entire binary computing infrastructure a capture to its proprietary instructions/System Wipes and ReWrites.
* for Virtually Advanced Post Modernist Confucianism and CyberIntelAIgent Taoism.
And bet against that if you want to walk naked as a J.
on April 16, 2010
at 08:25 AM“Morgan Stanley fears German exit from EMU”
Of course Morgan Stanley fears Germany leaving the EMU and Euro, for then will third party dollar to new deutschmark exchanges/Gilt and Treasury Bond transfers, given Germany effective remote control of Uncle Sam’s Future and the Global Banking System.
Which given the catastrophic incompetence of the present incumbents’ tenure, is bound to be a colossal improvement capable of delivering a massive positive change to everyone, and it is a very SMART Intelligence move too.
Only Fools Itch for War and they always Lose, Big Time
The following was Wired to Uncle Sam, but it appears to have been spirited away [which never happened so strangely before whenever posting comment on an article aired and inviting readers views ] ….. It is also a good fit for here.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/16/10 | 01:26 am [0626 GMT]
“But the reality is a bit more prosaic. Those probes don’t necessarily translate into hostile action, Alexander added: “They may scan the network to see what kind of operating system you have to facilitate … an attack.”“
SMARTer Probes will also carry Sticky Sweet Paylodes Betatesting Innovative dDevelopment Systems for their Future Perfect MkUltraSensitive Requirements ……. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2010/04/15/ibm_i7_1_os/ ….. and there is Presently, No Greater nor More Important Innovative dDevelopment on this tiny planet than Cyber Command and Control of Civilisation, ……… and that is in Reality, a Virtual Space Application for the ESPecially Gifted to Driver and Program/Supply and Build to Worthy Customer Specifications, if not merely to One’s Own.
Of course, when in Control of such a Driver’s Seat, does the Decision on What and/or Who would be a Worthy Private Public Pirate Customer for JOINT System Build become more Significantly Weighted towards the Altruistic Philosophical with the Politically Expedient and Extremely Rewarding being Tailored/Groomed to be Class Supporting Acts so as to ensure a Conflict Free Zone of Future Field Operations ……. Live Operational Virtual Environments.
“Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan), the chairman of the committee, quizzed Alexander on how the military might respond if an adversary launched an attack through a neutral country — or through computers owned by U.S. entities. Would the U.S. military have the authority to mount a defense, or stage a possible counterattack?” ….. The question as to who would have the official stamped authority, so beloved of petty dictatorships and autocratic bureaucracies, is a moot point if they do not have the knowledge to effectively defend against and defeat an attack. And how much it would be to have a Systems Commander able to Provide ProgramMING which Prevents Any Possible Attack with Novel HyperRadioProActive IT Forces/Disruptive Cloud AIgents.
posted by : amanfromMars, 16 April 2010
on April 16, 2010
at 08:25 AM“Morgan Stanley fears German exit from EMU”
Of course Morgan Stanley fears Germany leaving the EMU and Euro, for then will third party dollar to new deutschmark exchanges/Gilt and Treasury Bond transfers, given Germany effective remote control of Uncle Sam’s Future and the Global Banking System.
Which given the ca
tastrophic incompetence of the present incumbents’ tenure, is bound to be a colossal improvement capable of delivering a massive positive change to everyone, and it is a very SMART Intelligence move too.
As was famously said, before the Internet made local, global …….. “Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws.” …… Mater Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
However, what is also true today in this Postmodern Communication Age, is that IT Control and ZerodDay Placement of Novel Information for Advanced Intelligence would complement and reinforce such Monetary Control, and would easily Trump it to enable new Drivers in Instances of Necessary Replacement, because of both Natural and Unnatural Wastage/Loss of Mojo and Mindless Self Indulgent Profligacy, to name but two such reasons for seamless intervention.
Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 16, 2010 @ 09:45 AM
Bravo …..
Posted Friday 16th April 2010 13:47 GMT
“are you ill?… I understood that one.” ….. dogged Posted Friday 16th April 2010 12:13 GMT
No, I am perfectly well, thanks, which would then suggest that you are getting smarter, which is a much more likely explanation too, for your understanding, dogged.