>Self employed creates whatever you want when it’s good, …
Posted Monday 12th April 2010 12:16 GMT
…. and whatever everyone else wants when it’s great. And that generates millions and billions and trillions.
“Gosling did not reveal what his next job or project would be, but said he would take some time off before he began job hunting.“
Can he not start up something fabulous on his own with others like minded and do something amazing, or is he just a desk jockey type to do as he’s told rather than able to do as he wants?
Alien Election Candidates .. are there any or is it just a primitive human population contest ..
Posted Monday 12th April 2010 11:55 GMT
… /php ego trip?
“One fifth of humans say aliens walk among us“
One might like to consider the probability that they would hardly need to walk anywhere but rather more run everything anywhere from here, there and everywhere for everyone.
And you have failed to provide any figure for what percentage of the planet’s population is primitive human.
* I personally cannot imagine them being stupid enough to waste their time standing for such a waste of time and effort, and for someone with quite a highly developed sense of imagination, that is certainly saying something about the shoddy value of the media show, which appears to be all about avoiding the truth and compounding ongoing fallacies rather than confronting the spin and building novel structures and innovative infrastructures with undoubted politically correct prime champions too.
Surely anything else is less than honest and a desperately cobbled together travesty of a noble competition for the intellectually challenged and sham beings in a shamefully divisive scam.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/12/2010 5:37:43 AM
Reply from the Daily Bell: [re …. Posted by Geopark (George Parkington on 4/11/2010 2:13:21 PM]
“The comments section is often as provocative as the interview and I wish that you would allow it to become more of a forum.“
Thanks. Patience.
Forums have their own particular dynamic and pitfalls to negotiate/consider and really, unless contributions are instantly available for comment and viewing unmoderated, which of course is the usual norm in freely available Open Source Software products, is it rendered a virtual mine field. This article and its comments thread gives a taster of what is to be expected ……… http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/08/user_comments_ruling/
To be honest, in the very perverse and subversive space of Internet Communications, the Daily Bell’s approach/Modus Operandi allows for both outrageously innovative and creative thought provoking dialogue/Virtual Conversation and a remote executive administrative control of message, which is more about ensuring a consistently higher standard of content rather than assuming it is also or only about subjective vetting content message to reflect a In House Policy with a Politically or Financially Motivated Bias towards a Particular Agenda, is very hard to beat and better. There is always the need for someone/something to be the Exercise of Absolute Control, but it should also be realised that whenever Control is not an equitable one, will it be unfit for future purpose and derivatives of that purpose, and will its controllers be sought out for the supply of a changed algorithm and/or program to remedy the situation, by those who would have such programs/algorithms.
Such would certainly be of great benefit to “a handful of powerful people have constructed a system that swaps electrons for gold and pretends that paper has value.” as identified by the Daily Bell here ….. http://thedailybell.com/959/What-Taxes-Are-Necessary.html
Strangely enough, it may very well be the case, that even the most objective of free speech sharing agendas, is itself a very subjective bias.
House of the Rising Sun and Virtual Terrain Team Territory for InterNetional Space Stations.
Posted Monday 12th April 2010 10:21 GMT
The Money Shot Question though is …. Is it a Shangri La for Crack Coders and ZerodDay Traders? And whom would One contact to Explore the Opportunities and Possibilities in making Outrageous Virtual Fortunes to Benefit All …….. which is very Sociable in a Capitalistic Way too and who could say IT would not Provide an Unstoppable Lead from the Beautifully Mysterious East. …. and to those with experience, you will not hear them disagree with these few lines of a national anthem ……..
“Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the west behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
They Georgia’s always on my my my my my my my my my mind“
Playing hard ball knocks over the weak straw man and foreign cuckolds alike?
Posted Monday 12th April 2010 09:53 GMT
Is Gary denied the use of a computer and Internet access, and thus an ability/facility rendered to all others and to Mr. Jack Straw, to help his mother stand against fascist incumbents in a democratic UK General Election. That would surely be criminal in a democratic free society, would it not …… and something to immediately clear up with Mr Jack Straw, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, who is bound to know surely?
Telling it like it is with IT leading the Charge of the Light Brigade?
Posted Monday 12th April 2010 08:16 GMT
“but due to the strictures of election reporting they are not
allowed to answer our questions for at least a month.“
How very cynically convenient as we get to hear of more airy fairy projects to divert attention away from default systemic failure and incompetence, or am I being misguided?
I was going to say “You couldn’t make it up” but that is exactly what is done every day. Sadly though is it made up be fools and their professional helpers for a compounding, by media mainstreaming minnows masquerading as moguls, of outrageous fortune, making every day, a Brown Nose Day.
Meanwhile, Zooming in from Space, ZerodDay Assault Legionnaires*
Posted Monday 12th April 2010 05:28 GMT
“Finally, the postmodern defense …. After “We Rock”, “They Suck” and “You Suck” we are now at “Everyone sucks”.
I was waiting for it.” …… Destroy All Monsters Posted Saturday 10th April 2010 17:48 GMT
And the postmodern attack vector, for the next phase, Destroy All Monsters, is ……… Everyone Rocks.
* Special Forces with Special Forces for Special Forces in Special Forces ….. for AI Specialisation in XSSXXXXPEditionary Phormations. ……… CyberIntelAIgent Command and Control of Consciousness with Communicative Computers as Civilised Cadres.
If One insists on Presenting a Crazy Chaotic World as a New World Order Model Program, One cannot then Not Expect a New Model World to be Programmed.
Welcome to the Cinderella RockerFeller Project for Civil CyberSpace Pioneers and Earthed Base Fellow Followers/Leading Support Troupers.
amanfromMars said…
“The reason nobody had done anything about Zepter by now was because each and every service was trying to configure a way to co-opt him.“
Give any animal, man and/or woman what they want and you will Control and Power them Absolutely with the Feed of their Needs and Wishes? The Enigmatic Paradox though is that then the Lead Roles are also always Sublimely Confusingly Reversible and may in Reality be the Virtual Converse, but at the Highest Levels of Great Game Theory does it Matter Not a Jot, for such is Simply Played as a Quantum Anomaly of Truly Shared Selfless Leadership, Mutually Beneficial and Stealthily Ambiguously Intelligently Designed for the Perfect Cover of Complete Third Party Ignorance which a Clean Skin Provides for the Parallel of Like-Minded, Renegade Rogue Monarchs of the Genre ……. and One does then Deal in and Field Advanced Future and Derivative Markets with MkUltraSensitive Manchurians?
April 11, 2010 9:31 PM
amanfromMars said…
And this tale …… http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/12/obama_mclaughlin_google_probe/ ……. let’s everyone know of the US on a MetaData Phishing Expedition with Google providing Plagiarised Source from Global Search, and on a Epic Failed Mission to try and Control the Great Game and its Expert Players/Non State Actors.
There is a Knack to it with IT Control and that Secret is Without Compare whenever IT delivers Universal Control of Power and Money, which tends to be the Default Primitive Human ProgramMING. And that make it extremely Valuable.
April 12, 2010 9:43 AM
Honourable member wrote:
And what does that tell everyone about MI5s grip on the situation in Northern Ireland? Leading smartly ahead of the game from the front or trailing badly behind the curve in the rear?
And who would be personally responsible for either of those two extremes when they are present?
April 12, 2010 6:47 AM BST