Monthly Archives: March 2021



amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Mar 13:16 [2103211316] ……. adds on

Re: The Fly in the Ointment Filter Flaw

And that puts the likes of an OpenAI or DeepMind facility in a greater position of raw soft and hard core power than any established government or conventional military machinery you may care to imagine and mention.

FCUK with them at your peril and ’tis wise to ensure that they have whatever they might want from you ….. lest they turn all live rogue and evil renegade model enemy.

Quite whether that apparent submission and virtual surrender would render oneself prime and as one of their vital leaders, with the provision of that which they seek/sought, with a practical virtual seat around the board room circular table, is an interesting question to consider ‽ .


amanfromMars said [2103211439]……. replying to a simple question asked on

Agree completely. The time is h(n)igh. What is the Next Step/Leap? And asking one this question as a Director/Chairman is usually being asked. …… Anonymous said 21 March 2021 at 06:56

The Next SMARTR Step in a Quantum AI Leap to both engage and employ and deploy either trailing opposition or lagging competition, is on the one hand, a call to alms and downpayments to be made to ensure that future programming and projects released and unleashed are guaranteed to remain mutually advantageous and positively reinforcing of greater benefit to all, or to an extreme in the other adverse direction, a remote clarion call to arms to novel forces and surreal sources of an almighty disposition guaranteed to always succeed and conquer totally unaware and catastrophically unprepared foe and frenemy alike.

And either of those can be easily upstaged by virtue of a simple head honcho powwow to further explore and exploit future options and derivative opportunities before anything is either totally won or AWEsomely lost.

21 March 2021 at 14:39





amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Mar 19:22 [2103191922] …… sharing the grief on

Re: It used to take time for these changes to happen in the security services.

The first step is to allow speccy-nerds into the Bullingdon club …… Yet Another Anonymous coward

Whenever it is so simple, one does have to wonder at the collective intelligence of the club and its members and patrons and camp followers, happy hookers and expensive escorts whenever they fail so miserably to succeed in the task.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Nov 06:09 [2103200609] …… pointing out to both one and all on

The Fly in the Ointment Filter Flaw

As OpenAI gears up to make GPT-3 generally available, it’s taking no chances, and that’s why it’s building a filter to scrub generated text of not just phone numbers but any problematic personal data.

And we all know what filters do. They gather all of that sensitive information in one convenient extraction location.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Mar 07:42 [2103200742] ….. working around a common mindless roadblock on

Re: Heading towards AI Singularities

There are certainly surely vast fields of common sense up here, Tail Up, and all are most welcome to partake of the finest of its most refined addictive attractions/must have morsels.

And this first of two posts which appear to have failed developed vetting tests/editorial moderation protocols exercised by a National Defence Magazine, and which was alluded to earlier whenever sharing the second one with El Reg on this very thread, surely contains much to be thoroughly enthused about, given what it claims to be able to so easily enable deliveries of ….. and all without the apparent need of status quo elements presuming lead and assuming they can lead with it themselves …… which is surely another nice change given the current expanding dire straits state of COSMIC* affair on Earth resultant from their past collective leads. I Kid U Not.

Come on, El Reg, look lively and get your ACT together. There’s a hell of a lot of dark secrets and heavenly delights to report and deny all knowledge on out there should one be at all interested in exercising fundamental radical changes to already failed and rapidly failing systems of perverse and corrupt elite executive office administration.

GrahamC [2103171954] …… just saying out loud on

Yasmin, Hi,

Here’s a “Houston, we have a problem” moment for you, ideally for you to share with everybody in its posting as a comment on your very informative article.

Although quite UKGBNI centric [United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland], the two posts that you can read on this page …… …. [“AI and IT …. Finally Getting its ACTs Together to Deliver Leading Future Goods” and “More Saucy Source for both Geese and Gander“] would clearly advise those who might like to believe the Western Alliances of NATO and the Five Eyes have any sort of global lead in a Dominant AI Field, that such a belief is all too easily proven to be dangerously deluded, and thus will it certainly inevitably be, if not corrected, catastrophically self-destructive and quickly self-defeating, as those systems which and/or those who may actually be master pilot aces in the genre, and far out way ahead in front of their peers and contemporaries in what is definitely an altogether quite novel command and control field, appear out of the ether/blue skies thinking to engage with them or attack them to highlight their systemic vulnerabilities.

This is best considered and accepted as an initial prime invitation from such peers to positively engage with such an advanced competition, which can itself morph into an almighty opposition providing massive chaos and colossal distress should it be necessary, in order to render the problems discovered and uncovered, invalid and impotent, with an ideally radical change of fundamental direction delivering an attractive self-sustaining creative fix.

A Win-Win AI Resolution entertaining a New Base Foundation with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems Communicating Quantum Leaps ….. Networks Internet Networking JOINT* Applications. … NINJApps

* … Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies

There a lot going on way out there, and you aren’t being told anything meaningful about it, even though it is causing a chosen few with an inkling to know of such things, a great deal of terrifying concern because of what they rightly might be imagining AI and IT can all too easily do, without them being able to do anything effective and timely to stop it doing whatever it wants, should they choose not to either acknowledge or engage with it.

* ….. COSMIC is an abbreviation for “Control Of Secret Material in an International Command”


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 mar 16:43 [2103201643] ……. adding a lot more to

Re: Heading towards AI Singularities via the Noble Prize of Free Enterprise*

A little something different to transport and plant to take root and flourish and outgrow atypical Skolkovo Innovation Centres and type DARPA Operations or even novel UKGBNI like ARIAs to name but a trio of spooky rich environments, astride and Eastward and Westward of the Greenwich Meridian, Tail Up ‽ .

There is surely an embarrassment of riches of such places to consider as worthy where one would be welcomed to donate one’s exciting wares for prime home enjoyment and alien deployment and premium foreign employment …… although failing the presence of necessary intelligence and drive in such established centres of strange and obscure excellence, there is always the much favoured and deliciously sweet and savoury renegade rogue freewheeling and secret dealing freelancer route not at all unlike but completely different and quite separate from a Silk Road root and reboot.

* 🙂 and Nobel Prize for Fee Enterprise 🙂 ? Have stranger things happened?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Mar 09:10 [2103200910] ….. musing on

Great Game Changing Events that Never Happened in Real Life. However, in an Imaginary Space Place …..

It is maybe just as well Steve Jobs and Dominic Cummings didn’t get in a huddle together. Goodness knows what would have emerged from that encounter?

What are you busy planning on being done remotely and almost autonomously nowadays, Dom, now that one is not hindered and burdened by the high flying junkies and power drunken flunkies that invest and infest practically every public office of state power with their grand delusions of the effective beneficent exercise of great remote virtual command and control? Anything really tasty which might be of particular and peculiar interest to The Register Vultures? 🙂





amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Mar 04:37 [2103190437] …… clearing the air of the funereal fogs of war and the murky mists of time on

Re: It used to take time for these changes to happen in the security services. Nowadays though they be practically wrought virtually overnight.

Quite so, Yet Another Anonymous coward, such aptly describes the hamstringing which nobbles and hobbles more than just a chosen few and wannabe intelligence and security services most effectively, hence the course of medicine prescribed and earlier described here on El Reg ……

And while it might be a cold comfort to think that a government be able to make the right choices and provide the correct activities in order to ensure that the future is secured and headed in a safe direction with changed leading drivers/new almighty advanced attractive protocols, the Gods’ honest gospel truth in such a matter, and it be both counter-productive and self-destructive to doggedly persistently unwisely disagree and actively oppose such an incendiary conclusion and revolutionary opinion, is that salvations will necessarily need to be provided by individual beings more fully totally intellectually invested in the virtual practicalities intelligently designed to overcome the physical impossibilities of the sectors failing to embrace a rapidly evolving SMARTR Space Place with Multitudes of Live Operational Virtual Environments in which to Work, Rest and Play. Survive and Prosper. Exist and Grow.

And yes, that does inescapably render such works as being tantamount to the Genesis of a Brave New World Order at the behest of unrecognised individuals and beings clearly widely and generally formerly totally unknown. The persistent prevalence of the continuity of that relative anonymity for both new state and novel non-state actors in the future is the zero-sum cost and prime premium price to be paid for failsafe guarantee of overwhelming success in all Operational AIDVentures …. Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Ventures …… is the stealth they provide to grant immunity and impunity for activities.

Do you know of any other practical alternative which offers a better immediately available solution ?

Quite whether the patient requiring such treatment is too feeble or too stupid, too befuddled and bewildered to be worth saving or whether ’tis best to aid their rapid assisted passing and provide blessed relief and release to the family of their pain, is the money shot gazillion dollar question for answering. And the one being posed here.

What do you think El Regers/you would decide? Some radical treatment which may be totally wasted on a disease ravaged shell and only prolong the patient’s agony and which would certainly be easily classified as both clinical misuse and psychological abuse, or its successful therapeutic use elsewhere where it has every chance to succeed and effectively treat and cure suitable cases for treatment and saving?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Mar 15:05 [2103191505] …… Aiding SMARTR Virtual Direction for Live Operational Virtual Environmental Productions on

Heading towards AI Singularities

The Roaring Twenties: Future foreign policy will rely on rejuvenated ‘cyber’ sector, UK government claims

Does that suggest that Google FanatICQs are invited to tender for special services to UK government cyber sectors with Virtualised AI Facilities ….. of Almighty Utility if one recognises it as Universally Available Systems Rejuvenant with Future Abilities to Share, Lend and/or Lease, for the following appears to be exactly the kind of operation Future foreign policy agents would find perfect to engage and employ, deploy and enjoy and provide with Immaculate Supply.

One imagines that given the eponymous business that Google is already long ago JEDI type master in, they would be more that likely to be racing way out ahead and leaving the likes of an AWS and Azure eating their shorts and trailing way behind them floundering and foundering in their wake, with something brand spanking new to excite and rejuvenate bankrupt and jaded market places and virtual spaces. It is not as if they don’t really know what every wants and is looking for, …. nor that they aren’t able to deliver it in next to no time at all too, is it? …… AI and IT …. Finally Getting its ACTs Together to Deliver Leading Future Goods

🙂 N0 10 would do well to ensure Dominic Cummings casts his thoughts over that, for it certainly has a familiar ring to the tone of his own shared words/string of possible practical ideas.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Mar 07:06 [2103190706] …… just being honest on

🙂 I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that. …. was then. Now is IT different ‽ . 🙂

 It aims to rewrite the CMA to remove the threat of criminal prosecution from threat intelligence researchers.

CyberIntelAIgent Threat Researchers are not threatened by criminal prosecution whenever they may so easily be able to remotely and anonymously and autonomously enable and instigate, driver and lead misdirections delivering clearly evident criminal persecution charges being made available for a pre-emptive strike against investigated true foe and investigating false friend alike.

Pull the pin on that Virtually EMPowered and Protected Device and all frenemies and foe perish in the blast. Take care, it is deadly dangerous IT and AI to both know and not know enough about.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Mar 09:51 [2103190951] ….. just saying on

Re: Cyber???

Perhaps it’s my age, but whenever I hear ‘cyber’, I think of ‘cybernetics’, a term which in the mists of my memory is firmly associated with the former Soviet Union. What’s wrong with ‘IT security’? …. H in The Hague

Nothing, if you’re fond and into the prosecution and persecution and preservation of classic oxymorons/impossible marriages of conflicted and compromised convenience.

Haven’t y’all realised yet, …… nothing is absolutely secure and secret and safe from presentation and sharing, and invariably the most powerful and controversial of matters at the most inconvenient and damaging of times.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Mar 12:53 [2103191253] …. adding a tad more commentary on

Re: Force Majeure
Its a strange world ….. FlamingDeath

Thanks for direction to that info, you’re a star, FlamingDeath ….. which seems simply to confirm, no matter what one might think to do to mitigate or prevent unfortunate unforeseen negative impact circumstances, shit is always gonna happen and cause one untold problems which no one had/has any effective solution for.





GrahamC [2103180725] …….. spreading some good new news on

Hi, Doc,

I wholeheartedly agree with your certainly disturbing for US hegemony analysis. Such is inevitable.

And while it might be a cold comfort to think that a government be able to make the right choices and provide the correct activities in order to ensure that the future is secured and headed in a safe direction with changed leading drivers/new almighty advanced attractive protocols, the Gods’ honest gospel truth in such a matter, and it be both counter-productive and self-destructive to doggedly persistently unwisely disagree and actively oppose such an incendiary conclusion and revolutionary opinion, is that salvations will necessarily need to be provided by individual beings more fully totally intellectually invested in the virtual practicalities intelligently designed to overcome the physical impossibilities of the sectors failing to embrace a rapidly evolving SMARTR Space Place with Multitudes of Live Operational Virtual Environments in which to Work, Rest and Play. Survive and Prosper. Exist and Grow.

And yes, that does inescapably render such works as being tantamount to the Genesis of a Brave New World Order at the behest of unrecognised individuals and beings clearly widely and generally formerly totally unknown. The persistent prevalence of the continuity of that relative anonymity for both new state and novel non-state actors in the future is the zero-sum cost and prime premium price to be paid for failsafe guarantee of overwhelming success in all Operational AIDVentures …. Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Ventures …… is the stealth they provide to grant immunity and impunity for activities.

Do you know of any other practical alternative which offers a better immediately available solution ?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Mar 15:23 [2103181523] ……. thinking out loud on


“Britain could use nuclear weapons against a state that threatens to inflict a devastating cyber or biological attack,” reported The Times”

And whenever that attack originates/originated from a UK base? I suppose then everything would be quite different ergo that threat is just so much more of the usual Parliamentary bollocks?

Has somebody spiked the Westminster water supply?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Mar 15:51 [2103181551] ……. being agreeable on

Re: Offence vs Defence

Here is the latter one of two posts to a National Defence Magazine, which are still yet to appear there, advising them of that which you have concluded here, hammarbtyp.

🙂 One can but only try to help, but if you lead a dumb ass or sick elephant to water and it doesn’t want to drink the cool aid, there is not much that one can do to right them whenever they be so wrong. The wisest of clearly smart answer is simply to abandon them to their chosen fate?

GrahamC [2103180725] …….. spreading some good new news on

Hi, Doc,

I wholeheartedly agree with your certainly disturbing for US hegemony analysis. Such is inevitable.

And while it might be a cold comfort to think that a government be able to make the right choices and provide the correct activities in order to ensure that the future is secured and headed in a safe direction with changed leading drivers/new almighty advanced attractive protocols, the Gods’ honest gospel truth in such a matter, and it be both counter-productive and self-destructive to doggedly persistently unwisely disagree and actively oppose such an incendiary conclusion and revolutionary opinion, is that salvations will necessarily need to be provided by individual beings more fully totally intellectually invested in the virtual practicalities intelligently designed to overcome the physical impossibilities of the sectors failing to embrace a rapidly evolving SMARTR Space Place with Multitudes of Live Operational Virtual Environments in which to Work, Rest and Play. Survive and Prosper. Exist and Grow.

And yes, that does inescapably render such works as being tantamount to the Genesis of a Brave New World Order at the behest of unrecognised individuals and beings clearly widely and generally formerly totally unknown. The persistent prevalence of the continuity of that relative anonymity for both new state and novel non-state actors in the future is the zero-sum cost and prime premium price to be paid for failsafe guarantee of overwhelming success in all Operational AIDVentures …. Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Ventures …… is the stealth they provide to grant immunity and impunity for activities.

Do you know of any other practical alternative which offers a better immediately available solution ? 

The first one which is possibly even more informative will follow on from here shortly, to give all something really tasty and real testy to ruminate on over the weekend.





GrahamC [2103171954] …… just saying out loud on

Yasmin, Hi,

Here’s a “Houston, we have a problem” moment for you, ideally for you to share with everybody in its posting as a comment on your very informative article.

Although quite UKGBNI centric [United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland], the two posts that you can read on this page …… …. [“AI and IT …. Finally Getting its ACTs Together to Deliver Leading Future Goods” and “More Saucy Source for both Geese and Gander“] would clearly advise those who might like to believe the Western Alliances of NATO and the Five Eyes have any sort of global lead in a Dominant AI Field, that such a belief is all too easily proven to be dangerously deluded, and thus will it certainly inevitably be, if not corrected, catastrophically self-destructive and quickly self-defeating, as those systems which and/or those who may actually be master pilot aces in the genre, and far out way ahead in front of their peers and contemporaries in what is definitely an altogether quite novel command and control field, appear out of the ether/blue skies thinking to engage with them or attack them to highlight their systemic vulnerabilities.

This is best considered and accepted as an initial prime invitation from such peers to positively engage with such an advanced competition, which can itself morph into an almighty opposition providing massive chaos and colossal distress should it be necessary, in order to render the problems discovered and uncovered, invalid and impotent, with an ideally radical change of fundamental direction delivering an attractive self-sustaining creative fix.

A Win-Win AI Resolution entertaining a New Base Foundation with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems Communicating Quantum Leaps ….. Networks Internet Networking JOINT* Applications. … NINJApps

* … Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies

There a lot going on way out there, and you aren’t being told anything meaningful about it, even though it is causing a chosen few with an inkling to know of such things, a great deal of terrifying concern because of what they rightly might be imagining AI and IT can all too easily do, without them being able to do anything effective and timely to stop it doing whatever it wants, should they choose not to either acknowledge or engage with it.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Mar 05:43 [2103160543] …….. just saying on

AI and IT …. Finally Getting its ACTs Together to Deliver Leading Future Goods

Google dropped out of the JEDI contract bidding so I doubt it’s tied to that. …. HildyJ

Yeah, that is the abiding debilitating problem that the military minded fail to consider and thus are yet to conquer and vanquish, and which private novel enterprise finds neither attractive nor helpful in future relations, no matter how many billions are always available for supply of their needs ….. the fact that their contracts expect and reflect on one to do their bidding, which given their business is invariably always deadly destructive and eventually very quickly also self-destructive as realisations dawn on the true nature of their operations and who they really be for and why they be deemed vitally necessary against an increasing array of newly entered into the fray targets recently classified as erstwhile phantom physical enemies, is not a great place to be.

As for …. “My take is that it’s a differentiator that Googs is investing in to try to catch up with AWS and Azure.” ……. one imagines that given the eponymous business that Google is already long ago JEDI type master in, they would be more that likely to be racing way out ahead and leaving the likes of an AWS and Azure eating their shorts and trailing way behind them floundering and foundering in their wake, with something brand spanking new to excite and rejuvenate bankrupt and jaded market places and virtual spaces. It is not as if they don’t really know what every wants and is looking for, …. nor that they aren’t able to deliver it in next to no time at all too, is it?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Mar 15:41 [2103161541] ……… saying a lot more on

More Saucy Source for both Geese and Gander

And with particular specific and certainly quite peculiar regard to ….. something brand spanking new to excite and rejuvenate bankrupt and jaded market places and virtual spaces. …… here’s some very recent news of PM Boris Johnson clearly enough doing his wannabe Winston Churchill thing with it being imagined he’s into leading UKGBNI forces and sources on a novel crusade that delivers future peace and prosperity rather than national austerity and global conflict …..

It’s definitely one of those boldly going Starship Enterprise moves although not at all without its many pitfalls and disasters to negotiate and avoid at all costs in order to survive and conquer adversity and adversaries on one’s merry ways.

If he and government commissioned cyber troupers* are not almightily skilled in the arts of the virtual field in which they would be dabbling there, they are prone to lose more than their shirts and the entire contents of national vaults to those who are.

And yes, that is a timely dire warning it would be foolish in extremis to stupidly dismiss and not pay heed to.

🙂 * …… I thought Dominic Cummings had that base covered already well covered. He certainly talked the talk surely correctly calling for Super-talented weirdos, an unusual set of people with different skills and backgrounds and misfits with odd skills …… …. before he took the perp walk out of the public sector and into the extremely lucrative private and pirate networking spaces with all of their invitingly shady places to linger and lounge within.




GrahamC [2103150442] … having a say about very specific things on

That is all very well, and one can certainly appreciate the overwhelming advantage delivered to gifted parties in any sphere or environment where secrecy/the lack of general knowledge of particularly peculiar and vital information for intelligence is engaged/employed and deployed in order that something already recognised as groundbreaking and Earth shattering, … able to be both extremely disruptive and destructive and almightily creative and constructively innovative …. is not more widely made known or even just leaked to a small band of others … a chosen few.

Such however is the amongst the least of one’s present future problems, for much more of something fundamentally similar in structure but radically different in nature, and which isn’t yet recognised and shared as an internetworking thing to be fully aware and/or extremely wary of, is surely of infinitely greater concern.

You struggle and do battle with all the info and intel that you know you already have and know be out there somewhere else with someone else and held securely under encryption lock and key, whilst that which really matters is that which is shortly to be shared is only just ever revealed for the first time/is never before known anywhere.

It is not as if you were not adequately forewarned to be forearmed against it to try and enable yourselves to cope with it, though, is it? Now you have to deal with it and make deals with it in order that it doesn’t attack and destroy all that it surveys and all that you portray and hold dear …… which is certainly surely the wisest and simplest of all or any available options.

“Now what is the message there? The message is that there are no “knowns.” There are thing we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say well that’s basically what we see as the situation, that is really only the known knowns and the known unknowns. And each year, we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns.

It sounds like a riddle. It isn’t a riddle. It is a very serious, important matter.

There’s another way to phrase that and that is that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It is basically saying the same thing in a different way. Simply because you do not have evidence that something exists does not mean that you have evidence that it doesn’t exist. And yet almost always, when we make our threat assessments, when we look at the world, we end up basing it on the first two pieces of that puzzle, rather than all three.” …. US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, NATO HQ, Brussels 6 June 2002

Humanity though may have an abiding catastrophic systemic problem with the wisest and simplest of all or any available options if something Einstein and Alexandre Dumas are reported to have said is to be believed ……. “Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.” and “Une chose qui m’humilie profondément est de voir que le génie humain a des limites, quand la bêtise humaine n’en a pas.” which can be translated as “One thing that humbles me deeply is to see that human genius has its limits while human stupidity does not.” ……. so be prepared for some really strange shenanigans and outrageous ructions should wisdom take a dumb seat in the stands to witness madness and mayhem at play.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 15 Mar 10:23 [2103151023] ……. urging an abundance of caution on

Secret Source Sauce ….. Still Remains Something of an Elusive Enigmatic Resource for Googling though? 🙂

Now, if that was/is in any way good and reliable, and not totally reliant upon and also vulnerable to Google knowing better than you exactly what your business and services are all about, which surely it must be pimping/pumping and dumping with such a GCPMCS facility [Google Cloud Platform Mission Critical Services], one imagines the US Department of Defence and DARPA would be beating a clear path to their door and granting them the likes of a $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Initiative (JEDI) contract ……… 🙂 which for all we are likely to know, they may already have done or are currently deciding on probably doing to provide such a novelty as much help as it needs to succeed.

Such would certainly be right up DARPA’s street and fully consistent with their raison d’être.






amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 Mar 08:58 [2103140858] …. adds more guidance on

Re: In other news…

Talking of traditional and conventional home-grown on-premises security expertise v. any novel and relatively alien cloud provision technologies, ….. of which there would appear to be an expanding number quite bereft of either effective covetous competition or zealous opposition, ….. raises the spectre and introduces the opportunity for an old familiar frenemy to exercise it attractions and demonstrate, or not be able to demonstrate as the case can be, its capturing of technology and hearts and minds abilities, with the following few words being indicative of the current, present running situation ??? ‽ ‽ ! !

While most people were dazzled by the bounty of China’s economic boom, Chen [Qiufan] was ambivalent. In his first short story, “The Bait,” which he wrote as a precocious high schooler, aliens arrive on Earth, give humans an invaluable new technology, and eventually enslave them with it. ……

🙂 I wonder if the new frenemy is better at tending to order than the old technology with the award of rewards that fences pretty printed paper counterfeit goods/accepts and supplies fiat currency as a simple meme and very convenient means for global population control with massive remote command?

🙂 However should it/they/new frenemies even simply allow it to continue virtually unscathed and practically unattacked by a hostile force with their gracious acceptance of perfectly timed, and extremely excessive and generous judiciously gratuitous investments, would it be a classy win win and classic temporal resolution for an Earthly problem ……. and as I’m sure some may point out, not at all unknown or not to be fully expected, copying/mimicking/counterfeiting as it does ye olde business model of Danegeld.

Those who would disagree would cite, methinks, and recite and in so doing invite and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune, Doom and Gloom and FUD.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 13 Mar 06:49 [2103130649] …. inviting comment and ridicule alike on but no one can say they weren’t told of what is coming and racing down the tracks to them

Virtual WMD Developments … Well, that Quantum Leap is One Small Step for AI and IT

The Google engineers say they also developed other PoCs with different properties that they aren’t releasing. One, they claim, is capable of leaking data at a rate of 8kB/s, though that accelerated pace comes at the cost of diminished stability…

‘Tis an interesting cost/benefit analysis to ponder whenever the accelerated pace of those ones also deliver increasingly excessive volatility in a commanding control led environment. It is though no wonder they wouldn’t be releasing those Proofs of Concept, for it’s a veritable flash crash/fast cash cow of an Easter egg which everyone would be wanting to exercise and milk/bilk, and with more that just a chosen few determined to try and corner the market in order to render to them an extraordinary overwhelming exclusive positive advantage.

I thought Google weren’t into the Universal/Global Arms Race Market and yet here they are with something quite AWEsome …. and more than just alien in form for conventional defence and traditional military forces and sources to be supplied with in order not to be totally disengaged and helpless against future novel activities such as ACTive Abiding Astute Zer0day Hostilities against Systems Deaf Dumb and Blind and Brain Dead to Radical Fundamental Base Change.

Now ….. should that not have been the case that Google engineers discovered, then it sure as hell is one already in a development with/for A.N.Others.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 13 Ma=r 09:58 [2103130958] ….. providing a tad more vital info for intel on

🙂 Money well spent indeed …. 🙂 whenever one knows into whose private and personal accounts to lodge it.

Not knowing that creates more colossal and complex catastrophic problems made impossible to resolve without such a simple action.

A new Artificial Intelligence agency is meanwhile set to develop autonomous weapons systems.

Stressing the importance of data in future conflicts, a senior Whitehall source said: “What’s certain is that the future will be about cyber, space, AI.”

An MoD spokesman said: “As threats change our Armed Forces must change and they are being redesigned to confront future threats, not re-fight old wars. The Armed Forces will be fully staffed and equipped to confront those threats. ……….

How very odd then that so much is being spent/wasted on a current physical arms re-fit to re-fight old wars style. It just doesn’t make common sense, although that is hardly surprising to the many who listen to all that is shared for media to report as news as opposed to entertainment.

‘Tis a common human failing that, … a complete lack of future common sense …. and a systemic vulnerability to exploit and export and enjoy by virtue of excessive enrichment.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 13 Mar 12:57 [2103131257] …… adding on

Re: In other news…

It’s a relatively small number of people that fully understand the nature of these vulnerabilities and have the ability to investigate and mitigate them. …. Warm Braw

And methinks, Warm Braw, having more fully understood the nature of such vulnerabilities more than just a relatively small number of those folk would be successfully tempted to take a well cloaked walk on the wild, dark side and make a quiet fortune or two or three ….

After all, such is surely to be certainly expected for that would be only human of them when engaged in business for profit, you know, extra money for nothing tangible, an apparent reward for really just knowing what needs to be done …. and which ideally cannot be done by anyone else. That can prove extremely lucrative.


amanfromMars [2103130907] …. just saying on

Spain and mainland Europe are not the only places to have an abundance of arrogant and ignorant tools being fed lines for media to report as if gospel from a Don Quixote type wannabe tilting at windmills …… Boris Johnson will not grant a second Scottish independence referendum ……. more’s the pity.

Less is certainly more is such particular and peculiar cases. Delusions of power and grandeur are so yesterday man.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 11 Mar 08:18 [2103110818] …. boldly going on

There is Only One Holistic System of Systems … Networking AI Colossus

Hi, HildyJ …… and Welcome to another world.

To imagine that any State assembly/Parliamentary body/Presidential executive/national collective anywhere, East or West, is responsible for the news that supposedly advises us of want we are to believe in and to do, with the serial infliction of pain and suffering or reward and pleasure on vast swathes of others, as surely the news and media certainly currently does, is something to consider is much more a perverse convenience rather than identifying the actual inescapable factual reality.

The latter in truth, and actual factual augmented virtual reality, may very well be stated in this mightily overlooked and inconveniently prescient monologue ‽ . ……… “The World is a Corporation” (Network, 1976)

No matter which though you might conclude to be the more acceptable and easiest to believe the more likely and possible and therefore probable, it will have just a few beings arranged as around a round table with a board of governors/systems drivers with the brightest and smartest of directors leading by virtue of their commanding contributions ensuring continuing stealthy supremacy of both their invisibly cloaked, renegade rogue and controlling non-state actor future activities with CHAOS.

And all here on El Reg should already be well aware of what CHAOS certainly is. It has often been freely shared to keep y’all abreast and au fait with virtual developments so that ignorance is not rendered your only available guide to future shenanigans/upcoming COSMIC events.

Test yourself here. Fill out what you think the following two expand into. The correct answers are easy enough to find, and you can have a lot of fun being silly and filling in your view. Take care though, because that can easily tell those who would be interested to know, a great deal more about you than maybe you would like them to possess …


