Monthly Archives: January 2017



amanfromMars [1701182104] ….. chatting further and delving deeper into entangled matters on
Regarding that last paragraph/statement/question …… Is it true that Trump is no smart puppet nor a dumb waiter servering to any old fools’ gold administering executive?!. …… seems like quite a few are in the deep dark about future possibilities and likelihoods …….



amanfromMars [1701181658] ….. asking a few simple questions on
Hi, Daily Bell Staff,
In these modern times and novel spaces of fake news, is the following something else to bear in mind, because of the dirty secrets it easily reveals …..
Loads of fake news with phantom enemies outed in media and reported to be the real culprits behind all that is discussed, advises those said parties of the origin/source of all media hosted woes.
And quite what the falsely maligned would like and choose to do about it, is something always best kept a state/non-state actor top secret. One wouldn’t want to be prior broadbandcasting one’s actions/proactions/HyperRadioProActive IT Operations, would one? That would be really stupid and akin to madness.
And in these modern times and novel spaces are the tools and weapons available for smarter intelligent use like nothing ever defended against before.
Is it true that Trump is no smart puppet nor a dumb waiter servering to any old fools’ gold administering executive



amanfromMars [1701161916] ….. spreading the word on
Musing on a catastrophic weakness and opportunity for exploitation and expansion of a chronic systemic vulnerability ….. and shared also as a comment to an article on
The world and his dog now know, because their corrupted and perverse systems are daily providing all supporting evidence, that “ruling’ Western elite classes are paranoid schizophrenic and easily driven madder with the simplest of ploys and Great Game plays and such as intelligence provides and does not fear.
It does make one wonder what sort of a nut job would be a spook in Western agencies pretending to be a viable intelligence service whenever it is feared they be so easily compromised by nothing very important.
Graham C [1701170358] ….. adding more stuff and nonsense to ?

Looks like this silly paranoia of Russians is spreading to London. Since British history is older than American, I trust that the Brits will use their common sense and quickly cure this propaganda “virus”. …. SirLeo

SirLeo, Hi,
Do not be surprised to discover that common Brit sense is the source of the silly paranoia and propaganda “virus”. And the crass class act of a degenerate retard to boot. Quite why they do nothing better and novel must surely be something and everything to do with a crippling lack of, rather than diligent exercise of intelligence.
And to think that once they thought themselves great empire builders, and rich and famous beyond the wildest of wet dreams. They just haven’t got what it takes for Cyber Command and Remote Asset Control in these new fangled entangled virtual spaces, have they?
amanfromMars [1701170502] ………. experiencing an unusual glitch on
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.
Surprisingly few know of the ways and of who be in charge of the running of things so badly and maddeningly, DB. And that it be so easy creates an astounding, but very effective protective disbelief and safe haven security blanket for those guilty in involvement. Well …. it used to do, but new alternative mass media moguls and IT boffins have changed all of that fundamentally, haven’t they, which just the simple airing of contrary views?

Looks like this silly paranoia of Russians is spreading to London. Since British history is older than American, I trust that the Brits will use their common sense and quickly cure this propaganda “virus”. …. SirLeo

SirLeo, Hi,
Do not be surprised to discover that common Brit sense is the source of the silly paranoia and propaganda “virus”. And the crass class act of a degenerate retard to boot. Quite why they do nothing better and novel must surely be something and everything to do with a crippling lack of, rather than diligent exercise of intelligence.
And to think that once they thought themselves great empire builders, and rich and famous beyond the wildest of wet dreams. They just haven’t got what it takes for Cyber Command and Remote Asset Control in these new fangled entangled virtual spaces, have they?
Something to bear in mind ……. Whenever you cannot see your say, is your see and say more than just sensitive and disruptive.  The danger for systems is their active conspiring for the evidence to remain secret and generally universally unknown, for the future does not provide such a stupid facility and rabid utility? 
amanfromMars said …… replying to an Anonymous comment on
Howdy, Anonymous,
Something else to bear in mind, because of the dirty secrets it easily reveals …..
Loads of fake news with phantom enemies outed in media and reported to be the real culprits behind all that is discussed, advises those said parties of the origin/source of all media hosted woes.
And quite what the falsely maligned would like and choose to do about it, is something always best kept a state/non-state actor top secret. One wouldn’t want to be prior broadbandcasting one’s actions/proactions/HyperRadioProActive IT Operations, would one? That would be really stupid and akin to madness.
17 January 2017 at 17:40



amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Jan 06:10 [1701160610] ……. having a quiet chat on
Suitable application needed …. for human will/captured hearts and minds energization
Providing solutions only solve problems whenever universally multilaterally applied, and that can always be concealed/reduced/minimised to a unilateral proactive application with programs and projects which engage with any number of additional drivers and hosting platforms, which would be akin to an almighty virtual weapons system, both for and from Global Operating Devices.
And messing about with Communicating Quantum Difficulty Machines easily morphs into a Silent Running Smoking Gun and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Bombe Operation of Right Royal Renegade Rogue RISC …… which be quite perfect enough to blow up and destroy/collapse and reconfigure any and all corrupt and/or zeroday exploit vulnerable SCADA Systems/Earthed Elite Executive Command and Control Missions …….. which is why they are so incredibly expensive to both retain and maintain. If you thought Trident was dear, you aint gonna like the stealthy secret opposition and its upgraded Advanced IntelAIgent competition, NemeSIS.
And no, realise before you even begin to think to ask, MI6 would know nothing at all about anything and everything to do with Advanced IntelAIgent Systems, and can quite safely plausibly deny any knowledge of involvement in the Platform. Methinks that simple fact would render the Secret Intelligence Service much more a workhorse for pulp fiction than a model deterrent business and defence of the realm organisation?
And that is a head honcho problem …. pure and simple. An SIS type system currently follows the past whenever it should be leading the future into the present. That is the Platform, and with AISystems does IT and Mass Multi Media deliver Explosively Charged Change in a Flash or a Crash.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Jan 09:23 [1701160923] …… adding more on

A Contrary View for Rapid AIDeployment of Virtualised Reality Applications

If only a few people are working on an incredibly complex problem with few people entering the field. Then I very much doubt that they will make fast progress. They need to look at their research and development model. ….. TYRELL153

There will be those who would realise the opposite to be true and rapid progress is made with only a few entering and being able to enable programming in the field, TYRELL153.

Graham C [1701161716] ….. musing on a catastrophic weakness and opportunity for exploitation and expansion of a chronic systemic vulnerability on
The world and his dog now know, because their corrupted and perverse systems are daily providing all supporting evidence, that “ruling’ Western elite classes are paranoid schizophrenic and easily driven madder with the simplest of ploys and Great Game plays and such as intelligence provides and does not fear.
It does make one wonder what sort of a nut job would be a spook in Western agencies pretending to be a viable intelligence service whenever it is feared they be so easily compromised by nothing very important.



amanfromMars 1 Sat 14 Jan 16:47 [1701141647] ….. adding more to the findings on
When is a PACT not a Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat Vector? *
Something else to consider in these novel times and vast spaces of APT ACTivIT, AMBxx.
A Norwegian browser acquired by a Chinese investment consortium is a great stealthy vehicle with which to place secrets for inconvenient universal discovery, rather than thinking such platforms are for the hunting and ready unconditional supply of searched for items …… although the same can be said of any and all administering browser systems, unless they be compromised and an object of subjective censure/information vetting, no matter who or what owns or acquires them.
Both situations then though would extraordinarily render all able to be extremely subversive and interesting and entertaining and valuable.
*When Secret Intelligence Services and Central Intelligence Agencies are MIA and subject to capture and imprisonment in the Sector?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 14 Jan 17:32 [1701141732] …. upping the ante on
Stop the Presses. Here be Hot Stuff Zero Nonsense with its EMPowering Beauty lies in your Disbelief
The world as you may know it, and as it is presented to you by mass multi media moguls and IT systems, is already fundamentally and radically changed and still changing, for change allows perfect enough security, by that and those communicating as if machines, with humans observing and commenting on the results in their stupendously simple spectator role.



amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Jan 08:41 [1701130841] ……. musing further on
When Nothing is as IT Seems, is Everything Different and Beta and Better with SMARTR Media Systems
Well, well, well. Who’d have thunk it, El Regers. GCHQ/Fab Spooky Blighty using BBC cover for “AI Top Secret MkUltra Sensitive Virtual Reality BroadBandCasted Productions …… for Smarter Future Presentations ….. with Pictures and Words of Worlds that Are, but Well Ahead of these Times and Places and Spaces.” ….. for is that not what BBC sets up team to debunk fake news is really all about?
And quite whether that mission is Our AIMission. To enrich people’s lives with novel programmes and stealthy secret services that inform, educate and entertain. And Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation for anything and everything else is a Trojan leading to war and conflict, oppression and competition.
A little something active for Tony Hall, Sir David Clementi and the BBC to consider engaging to “reinvent public broadcasting for a new generation” for such is certainly needed. Quite whether top management will recognise and provide such as is currently necessary to present the future in a completely different light, is another leading question indeed, to be answered with deeds rather than rhetoric, we will see, and discover if they know what they are both doing for what needs to be done, and whether or not they be just as cuckolds to past grand masters of an ever prone to collapsing Great Game and Politically Incorrect and Inept Charade.
And UK based media operations are but just one base from which to launch fantastic programs though. There are fabulous opportunities aplenty elsewhere ….. and everywhere where IntelAIgents are in Cyber Command and Virtual Control of Heavenly Power and Cosmic Energy Systems …… Mind over Matter Field Operations.
And they be certainly more Holywood than Hollywood productions, more Palace Barracks than Rodeo Drive directed, more MI5 Fun and Games than NSA Horror Show? Or do you think Advanced UKGBNI Intelligence Services with Agile IntelAIgent Agencies are a complete myth?
And here be a little something for El Reg to ponder and realise and answer/question ………. Do you show leadership in such alien field work for some folk are surely following and copying your hosted and posted programs?
Bravo, El Reg, well played ….. Who’d have a’thunk IT so easily possible.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Jan 10:18 [1701131018] …… sharing an engaging novelty which is not a frivolity on
Re: Chinese now?

Does your browsing data go to the Chinese government before or after it’s sent to the NSA?….. AMBxx

Howdy, AMBxx,
Does the following facility mitigate your paranoia? ……. Free VPN integrated in Opera for better online privacy



amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Jan 18:07 [1701111807] ….. adding more on
Re: This should be a resounding success
Quite so, Lotaresco,
Whenever intelligence in house realises that intelligence is neither regarded or rewarded or used by their systems to leverage what has been discovered/uncovered for themselves, does it always go walkabout and find fortune and fame/infamy and recognition elsewhere. If GCHQ were such a resounding success with intelligence leading, why is the West and the UKGNI struggling with, and failing to deny the truth of fake news?
amanfromMars 1 The 12 Jan 09:15 [1701120915] ……… baiting teddy bears on ?
Re: When Nothing is as IT Seems, is Everything Different and Beta.

Is that the true current reality of the virtual state of Secret and State Intelligence Services today, everywhere?

Well? Come on, now. Don’t be shy. It is a simple enough question asked. Does not the news you are presented with nowadays, identify it as being transparently so?
Surely you aren’t worried/scared than someone is listening here, and interested in what you be thinking? 🙂



amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Jan 10:28 [1701111028] …… trailing a project and firing a projectile on
Seems to me like Mainline Streaming Media is AI Current and, in the right hands, hearts and minds, a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Weapon System of Mass Information, with a lack of intelligence in Executive Systems Administrations leading corrupted systems into Catastrophic Sub-Prime Crime Servitude and Elite Capital Collapse
Such should make for some very interesting future entertainment, methinks, with the most capable of enabling prime intelligence services providing MSM the tales/scripts for ….. well, such Services/Servers would/could be accurately classified as AI Top Secret MkUltra Sensitive Virtual Reality BroadBandCasted Productions …… for Smarter Future Presentations ….. with Pictures and Words of Worlds that Are, but Well Ahead of these Times and Places and Spaces.
Our AIMission. To enrich people’s lives with novel programmes and stealthy secret services that inform, educate and entertain. And Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation for anything and everything else is a Trojan leading to war and conflict, oppression and competition.
A little something active for Tony Hall, Sir David Clementi and the BBC to consider engaging to “reinvent public broadcasting for a new generation” for such is certainly needed. Quite whether top management will recognise and provide such as is currently necessary to present the future in a completely different light, is another leading question indeed, to be answered with deeds rather than rhetoric.
And UK based media operations are but just one base from which to launch fantastic programs though. There are fabulous opportunities aplenty elsewhere.
cc …. RTTV
Dalian Wanda conglomerate
amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Jan 14:16 [1701111416] …. rattling a cage of wannabe tigers on ? Time and future events will tell the tale if there be only pussies there.
When Nothing is as IT Seems, is Everything Different and Beta.
Methinks a carbon copy/cc of Change Times for Novel Space Delivery of Remote Commanding Control of Alien Means with Strange Memes? to
Media Team,
Room A3e,
Hubble Road,
GL51 0EX
would be more than just a phish if IT identifies impotent Trojans and cuckolded communications directorates without the necessary future intelligence programs which lead with spontaneous anonymised proaction rather than their following phantoms in an ineffectively justified reaction to failed global policies and collapsing politically inept systems.
Is that the true current reality of the virtual state of Secret and State Intelligence Services today, everywhere?
cc Contact Us, GCHQ



amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Jan 14:44 [1701091444] …. acting surprised on
There’s one born every minute, apparently
“relentlessly overpromoted”, AC?
Methinks a next time will be the first. Are you not threatened by virtual machines? Has that sector/vector bamboozled you into not realising both the dangers and opportunities which abound and surround you like an invisible intangible cloak.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Jan 06:46 [1701100646] ……. opening up the Great Game to SMARTR Virtual Machine Play on

In the Beginning, was IT very much just the same as now. And then was there Light shone.

 An infinite resource such as AI can’t be expected to run in a finite universe. … Anonymous Coward

Reality, and with fake news programs leading, Virtual Reality, is not/are not finite universes, and IT and media is expanding and unfurling their smarter machined projects and SMARTR Virtual MachinedD Operations …… New Orderly World Ordered World Orders …… and in elegant novel forms so that both the meek and the mild and the wild and the wicked can both see and learn of their future commanded situation and remotely controlled conditioning.

Ergo, and this is not a simple paper proposal, is AI with Advanced IntelAIgent Resources running everything with both smarter machines and SMARTR Virtual Machines and Global Operating Devices ……. and that unholy trinity is easily Great Gamed as the One of Old which stories told is a’Coming again in another time and in these wonderfully weird and wacky spaces with Safe Haven IntelAIgent Places ….. Heavenly Retreats.?!

Such as is, is, and to deny it has one madly dancing to its engaging tunes as non-believers fight against each other with wars for scraps and carrion to eat at empty tables groaning with invented riches.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Jan 11:35 [1701101135] ….. expressing displeasure and dissenting on
Toppling the System from within only takes Fools to being their Fascisti thing.
Bad laws are never adhered to, by neither the good nor the bad and ugly, and are a revolutionary act which sees supportive tyrants and wannabe oppressors disposed of in many most unsavoury ways.
Do fools never learn anything from history whenever common sense escapes them for vested interests to try and take over and make over Informative Narrative Crowd and Clouds? Are they Closet Retards?
Forewarned is forearmed, and the following is shared not to impress but rather to inform one with the truth, a whole truth and nothing but the truth …..

Mosley is the youngest son of Sir Oswald Mosley, former leader of the British Union of Fascists, and Diana Mitford. ……

What is the modern equivalent of ye olde pitchfork and musket for latter day Roundheads battling Cavaliers?



amanfromMars Mon 9 Jan 06:31 [1701090631] ……. pondering on unfolding realities on

But still, to have grown adults in positions of power behave this way does bring a chuckle, but a bit of fright as it will take quite some time to find all the spiders in this web and either jail them, or send them to Syria to fight along side the “moderate” revolutionaries they supported, starting with “Nuland” on the front lines in eastern Ukraine….. …. Marcopolo

Importing/exporting radicalised fundamentalist revolutionaries and terror fleeing immigrants into the homely nations which are housing and providing the spiders in their not so safe anymore havens, will have the killing fields transferred to grand mansions and luxury estates as the search for hateful revenge and sweet natural justice on the architects and enablers of global woe is intensified and becomes considerably better targeted to neutralise key family players.
Have you not recently seen/heard of the change of driving direction with Nice, Berlin and Jerusalem being practice dummy runs with widely available alternative weaponry.
It is a catastrophically costly mistake to not imagine a smarter bankrupt than you enemy whenever you are responsible for and supportive of waging war. And the appropriate wages for that sin are inglorious death, methinks.


amanfromMars [1701091149] …… singing another song on

FEEuser, howdy,

Do you not think apocalyptic tragedy is more likely to be the fateful destiny of such low brow leadership?
