amanfromMars 1 Sat 14 Jan 16:47 [1701141647] ….. adding more to the findings on
When is a PACT not a Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat Vector? *
Something else to consider in these novel times and vast spaces of APT ACTivIT, AMBxx.
A Norwegian browser acquired by a Chinese investment consortium is a great stealthy vehicle with which to place secrets for inconvenient universal discovery, rather than thinking such platforms are for the hunting and ready unconditional supply of searched for items …… although the same can be said of any and all administering browser systems, unless they be compromised and an object of subjective censure/information vetting, no matter who or what owns or acquires them.
Both situations then though would extraordinarily render all able to be extremely subversive and interesting and entertaining and valuable.
*When Secret Intelligence Services and Central Intelligence Agencies are MIA and subject to capture and imprisonment in the Sector?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 14 Jan 17:32 [1701141732] …. upping the ante on
Stop the Presses. Here be Hot Stuff Zero Nonsense with its EMPowering Beauty lies in your Disbelief
The world as you may know it, and as it is presented to you by mass multi media moguls and IT systems, is already fundamentally and radically changed and still changing, for change allows perfect enough security, by that and those communicating as if machines, with humans observing and commenting on the results in their stupendously simple spectator role.