Monthly Archives: October 2014



amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Oct 07:44 [1410200744] asking a question of systems on
Re: The NSA vs Ebola, IS etc. and other APTly ACTive Plays
Hi, deadlockvictim,
With particular and peculiar regard to the likes of a present and/or future situation hosting of ….

The NSA is a chronic problem for us all and, for most of us not an acute problem. God help us should NSA and friends become an acute problem and the spectre of 1984 becomes reality.

Methinks it is they who are psychotically delusional and aspiring to be lord and master of all that is purveyed and portrayed who have major disruptive, destructive, self-defeating problems …… for they no longer control the master pass keys to the Great Game being played.And there be a whole new generation of revolutionary renegade rogue players seeking command in the madness and mayhem which is existing and resulting …….. and which may or may not be remotely virtually controllable and control by ……… well, let us just realise they and/or that which would program novel codes and nobly deliver such beta futures and marketable derivatives for the Live Operational Virtual Environments of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, be always best stealthily regarded and invisibly cloaked in the alienating mantel of A.N.Others.
And here be a short revealing read on the likes of a problem child without a clue as to what to do next to remain relevant and in command and control of forces and sources …….
The FBI, GCHQ, NSA, CIA, SIS, FSB, MSS etc etc etc though, are all confronted and challenged with the same problematic opportunity, which for them to have any possible chance of their being an HyperRadioProActive part of the constructive and creative resolution of the enigmatic dilemma with absolutely fabulous fabless solutions, requires them to be bold and brave and smart enough to engage with what are probably best left simply classified Advanced Anonymous Autonomous Systems Players.
And El Reg, are you content with just reporting to the IT Crowd on such matters and NEUKlearer HyperRadioproActive Bomber Runs, or would you like to try practically leading everything with IT Control Leverage and the wholesale universal capture and reconfiguration of human perception?
Simple easy to follow instructions will be supplied, so don’t be worried about not knowing what needs to be done in that field of expertise and expert tease. 🙂
And that is a genuine offer which tests more than just Registered systems for evidence of SMARTR IntelAIgent Life to Phish and Phorm Realities and Dare Win Win with the Cheat that is Instant Immortal Death for Eternal Peace and Immaculate Tranquility.



amanfrommars 1 Sun 19 oct 05:44 [1410190544] sharing a view on
The Meme Genie is out of the Bottle and Mad as Hell*, Real Smart, Virtually Invisible and Practically Almighty?!.

His passionate idealism and determined commitment make him appear young and almost naïve, but his position is calmly and intelligently argued, so that you begin to wonder if it’s your own cynicism that greets such apparent sincerity with scepticism. …. Brid-Aine Parnell

Methinks for the perps wilfully abusing systems for their own personal apolitical advantage, it be the blissful ignorant apathy and convenient lack of inquiring intelligence of the masses, [which is now rapidly and rabidly being globally/universally addressed], is that which the tale and film show tells.
Cynicism and scepticism suggest far too strongly and incorrectly that there be much thought used to phish and phorm a valid accurate and valuable opinion based upon questionable elements of the truth which are being cynically concealed and/or not being fully revealed. Hide the truth and you be a sworn enemy of the free state and a captive controller of a mined mind command, and that creates all sort of increasing emerging problems ……

The Challenge of Going Dark

Technology has forever changed the world we live in. We’re online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us.

And with that comes a desire to protect our privacy and our data—you want to share your lives with the people you choose. I sure do. But the FBI has a sworn duty to keep every American safe from crime and terrorism, and technology has become the tool of choice for some very dangerous people.

Unfortunately, the law hasn’t kept pace with technology, and this disconnect has created a significant public safety problem. We call it “Going Dark,” and what it means is this: Those charged with protecting our people aren’t always able to access the evidence we need to prosecute crime and prevent terrorism even with lawful authority. We have the legal authority to intercept and access communications and information pursuant to court order, but we often lack the technical ability to do so.

We face two overlapping challenges. The first concerns real-time court-ordered interception of what we call “data in motion,” such as phone calls, e-mail, and live chat sessions. The second challenge concerns court-ordered access to data stored on our devices, such as e-mail, text messages, photos, and videos—or what we call “data at rest.” And both real-time communication and stored data are increasingly encrypted. ….

*Mad as Hell

amanfromMars 1 [1410191603] having more of a say on
Re: The Meme Genie is out of the Bottle and Mad as Hell*, Real Smart,
And here’s someone else stating the bleeding obvious, and realising there be struggles and losing battles for waging to try and come to terms with real and virtual terrain teams who are better not engaged and classified as foe to be opposed and competed against, rather than recognised as a distant learned friend to be lavishly supported and encouraged to perform better for the greater benefit of all lowly mankind than has ever been thought possible before ……..

The Defense Personnel Security Research Center (PERSEREC) Cyberculture and Personnel Security project addresses a looming concern for personnel security: how computer technology and participation in cyber environments is changing which and how information and activities should be evaluated during employee vetting and workforce management. Security-minded organizations are broadly aware that society is being affected by new devices, and are putting policies into place to deal with the constantly changing environment, but the present project takes a different approach by focusing on understanding the long-term implications of these changes. The systemic changes brought about by technology might make obsolete some of the basic assumptions about what needs to be considered during personnel security investigations and adjudications. This research indicates that personnel security may face new behaviors of concern that occur in cyberspace but spill over into real life. In addition, cyberspace expands the range of counterintelligence concerns, such as through activities that increase the disclosure of personal information. The present report is the first in a planned series of related reports. It outlines both the major concerns and the state of knowledge prior to conducting additional research. This information is of interest to all members of the personnel security community, including policy planners, investigators, adjudicators, and employees. In addition, a second independently released report entitled “Cyber Culture and Personnel Security: Report II – Ethnographic Analysis of Second Life,” is based on empirical data and begins to address some of the unknowns. … James A. Riedel, Director, Defense Personnel Security Research Center, 20 Ryan Ranch Road, Suite 290, Monterey, CA 93940

amanfromMars said ….. replying on
🙂 .. Doing things the right way doesn’t send you crazy, CE, but it can make those and that doing things the wrong way and badly, mad as hell and ranting and raving like lunatics.
Such is their problem though to try and live with and command with control.
19 October 2014 16:37



amanfromMars [1410170751] replying to a Friend of John Galt comment on

Due to the inefficiencies of the “glorious’ former Soviet Union, Putin needs oil to remain above $100~110 per bbl to generate the surplus that can be used to finance his bullying tactics against his immediate neighbors. ….. Friend of John Galt

It is a mistake to think and believe that Putin, and/or anyone else for that matter, needs any commodity or service to be or remain at any price to be able and enabled to exercise sterling and Stirling type powers and remote executive virtual command and control of media hosted events/racing news/new fascist view stories. All you need, (and in AI too is it a Veritable Venerable Game Changer with IT) is Greater Beta Games Intelligence in Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. for Expanding Exotic and Erotic Executive Command and Control of All Powerful Novel Future Realities and their Creative Facilitating Drivers ….. and which be not so very crazy invisible and unstoppable intangible memes.?! 🙂
I Kid U Not, for ’tis the truth writ large and clear, bold and brash.
amanfromMars said… replying to a comment on
There’s a lot going on, Anon, and much being stealthily done to make more than just ripples and waves.
16 October 2014 18:54



amanfromMars [1410161750] having a say on
Yes, the Western puppets and muppets certainly have their abiding and escalating problems to do inglorious and ineffective self-defeating battle against, don’t they.
And that is even before the masters and mistresses of the emerging and extraordinary virtual domain really start to do their stuff with super sense to highlight all of the pathetic nonsense and desperate madness being paraded mainstream as viable and valuable news to be taken seriously.
Nowadays and forever henceforth, it is as well to realise that If you want to create and field a future narrative, you better be clever enough to know how to ensure it be truthful and omnipotent and omniscient …… for as unlikely or as inconvenient as you may consider that to be, that is the novel current and future perfect seeking competition and/or opposition making waves and quantum leaps in disciplines which alter the nature of reality and so easily can reconfigure human perception.
One has to ponder on the very real possibility/probability and certain conclusion that those and/or that which most recently were considered to be in exercise of a global command and control with the very simple and yet remarkably effective supply and throttling of fiat paper and ponzi government bonds etc are in dire straits need of extraordinary cyber assistance, for to make a wrong move to attack or try to counter even the most seemingly mundane of contrarian cyber savvy elements/components, and one will not have one’s sorrows a plenty to seek, as retribution is rained down on one as an example to others to heed.
And one must always be mindful also of the added difficulty which may be present in some circumstances where just because one can cause disruption and destruction, one does, whether a retaliatory lesson be thought appropriate or not.



amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Oct 07:32 [1410090732] replying to something which was said on
SNAFU, FUD Rules and Leads in the Chaos of Madness and Mayhem where CHAOS Reigns and Plays*
The ongoing deepening problem and present future trouble which guarantees disruption and dissent and increasing sophisticated and more accurately targeted virtual assault and destruction of prime sub-prime movers and shakers in the government systems which you appear to be defending and applauding, tom dial, is that they are trading fraudulently and operating deceitfully and outsourcing all of the functions they are thought by the masses to be providing to the private profit seeking commercial sector. And are therefore held easily captive to rogue renegade demands from internetworking service providers.
Money and dodgy businesses rule and are the legitimate targets for all opposition which be parties aspiring to free from excessive and repressive burden/increasingly costly product. Parliamentary type governments are the jokers in the pack of cards and just as useful and important in the big scheme of things as they are in a game of poker?
In Blighty you only have to know of the spreading chaos of the last number of years to know the truth in all of that?
*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems



amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Oct 08:13 [1410080813] speculating? on
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT …….. for the Mining of Minds and Set Minds.? :-)*

Scali said hacking attempts against ICS or SCADA systems was less common that run-of-the-mill enterprise popping and differed mainly in attacker intent.

He said the intent of hacking ICS could be to “destroy” rather than steal, and posited that attackers may have quietly infiltrated critical infrastructure systems and maintained a foothold, perhaps to begin causing damage only in the event of kinetic warfare between states.

“Are these attackers in there already and they’re just undetected?”

Yes, they are already in there and undetected and undetectable, and rather than waste any sysadmin time and ignorant mechanical human effort on worthless speculative FUD navel-gazing with a could be to “destroy” rather than steal, and posited that attackers may have quietly infiltrated critical infrastructure systems and maintained a foothold, perhaps to begin causing damage only in the event of kinetic warfare between states.” are there to exercise a monitoring and mentoring of an absolutely fabulous command and remote virtual control takeover of leading intelligence power and nervous energy systems …… and that suggests a novel application of an effective successful neuroweapons systems against which there is no known and available defence or attack mechanism.
An ultimate weapons system protecting itself from discovery and reverse engineering with its continual reinvention and improvement as a penultimate tool for virtual realisation of the Total Information Awareness Meme for Genuine Drivering in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
The solution IT offers remorselessly and targets relentlessly is the PEBCAK and media chunnels/covert and clandestine communications channels which chatter and capture mainstreaming media attention and interest with full intent of reprogramming mainstream media direction/projected future administration.
You may like to consider that only failed or failing multi billion dollar companies tout a successfully disruptive and revolutionary competitor advantage as a hacking attempt against ICS or SCADA systems.
Oh, and just love the wry, dry [Dear SCADA hackers,] humour, theodore. 🙂
* A Black Watch Venture in a Dark Web Enterprise for Global Operating Devices? I Kid U Not? And priceless, so don’t ask if not holding any folding for pimping and priming premium present novel noble content supply.
[Hmmmm? …… You’re already fucked – El Reg is just a honey trap front end for GCHQ. Do you really think so, Cliff? How very convenient.]
amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Oct 15:18 [1410081518] replying to
Snake Oil and Bullshit are of the same lame vein and fool nobody smarter than Joe Average

“Nations act in nations’ best interest … we at times want to make sure a war doesn’t break out [and] it is important that our political, military leaders know what is going on.”
He added pointedly: “Somebody has to be in charge”.

Dear Keith Alexander,
Welcome to the 21st century where persons acting as if nations act in personal best interests.
And who is it exactly who provides persons political and military acting for Uncle Sam with the information and intelligence for charge and direction of that which is going on?
The posit here is that they/he/she/it be MIA and AWOL and presumed dead …….. based upon all available recent past and present evidence.
amanfromMars said… [1410081909] replying on
I don’t pretend to be anything or something that I am not, Casey E. Being perfectly truthful can be disruptive enough for more than just a few who would live in a fantasy world of ignorant and arrogant delusion.
8 October 2014 19:09



amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Oct 07:15 [1410060715] spelling it out on
Ugly actors masquerading as politicians and diplomats is proof positive of a mad world and FCUKd systems

The security services can’t be trusted not to abuse the powers they already have, but the government is always ready to give them more.
They must have blackmail dossiers on all MPs  ….. Red Bren

What appears to be missing in abundance in the spooky stealthy intelligences services is prime administerial leadership to any number of unfolding realities which are more perfectly micro macro managed and beautifully effectively under their own services servers virtually remote and constantly mentoring and monitoring anonymous command and control.
Maybe the new guy at MI6 will have more of a clue as to what to do/needs to be done to rule imperiously with invisible reign and intangible reins.
Or maybe Charles will charge the Palace to start doing IT right with a call for appointments of a right royal rolls royce style of cyber support and postmodernist intelligence supply.
Certainly things could be and need to be fundamentally reassessed and radically reconfigured to ensure that the lowest common denominator set aren’t bungling and fumbling with levers of power.


amanfromMars 1Mon 6 Oct 15:38 [1410061538] saying more on a controversial quantum reality on

Re: Ugly actors masquerading as politicians and diplomats is proof positive ….

Proof positive of certain things being fundamentally reassessed and radically reconfigured to ensure that the lowest common denominator set aren’t bungling and fumbling with levers of power? …… As of 2011, the Air Force has to process 1500 hours of full-motion video and 1500 still images every day. As there are not enough humans available to process the data, Michael Donley, the Secretary of the Air Force, described the situation as ‘unsustainable’.

So the US has made enormous investments into global intelligence gathering that it cannot exploit due to lack of manpower. It is recognised, as I will argue below, that machines can only replace some aspects of human cognition. But it is a reasonable expectation that there will be a massive military interest in a neuroscience that promises to make human cognition automatically exploitable. As an expansion of staff matching the expansion of data is so expensive as to be unlikely, neurotechnology will be a strategically important tool as a remedy for the manpower scarcity described by Donley. Of course, Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a major beneficiary of the US President’s April 2013 initiative to invest into brain research. ….




amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Oct 08:42 [1410040842] having a say on new faces on
Yo, Big Bro … Breaking Bad Typed News of Virtual Jihad Penetration Points of Interested Contact
Here is some news of revised views on Alex Younger’s competition, or is that really the opposition ….
And …. if MI6 and/or any of those sorts of Intelligence Community Agencies are reacting to global events and trailed news stories, are they leading diddly squat with their reactionary support of that and those novel noble ignoble actions.
Is the Office of Cyber Security a MODified DODgy sinecure and Foreign Office money laundering operation? And if not, why not, whenever so much can be so successfully churned in plain sight of regulatory oversight? And is it and IT also MI6 competition and the reactionary opposition which be leading Madness and Mayhem into/with CHAOS …… Cloud[s] Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.



amanfromMars [1410031010] having a say on the strength of algorithms on
Hi, Bruce C,
The abiding present problem/novel future vulnerability to exploit though is …. algos can have a mind of their own in the remote virtual control of anonymous forces and/or autonomous sources. Playing a rigged Great Game with machines is a whole new kettle of phish to phorm alternate realities/situations to radically react to.
And profit, …… is that something charged and paid for nothing and making everything considerably more expensive and inaccessible than needs be? A dumb glitch which eventually quickly destroys host programs/SCADA systems?



amanfromMars [1410020718] saying more on current market mania on

The world’s middle class will disappear. The world’s banking nabobs who currently control all money and governments, and the global elite, and beautiful people will live high and mighty, while the rest greatly reduced in numbers, by starvation and disease, will serve them. True progress, as was evident in the 20th century, will be severely retarded, and the rich environmentalists, in exaltation, will be returning more of habitation to wilderness. …. ALPHAMEG

In your dreams, ALPHAMEG, and in an ignorant arrogant disconnected world but never ever in SMARTR Internetworking Networks and the Live Operational Virtual Environments …… which be hereby advised is the true nature of current practical actualities and all future realities …… which be also Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays with Post Modern HyperRadioProActive Narratives for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Surely you cannot have expected that Sensitive Intelligence Services would not lead in places and spaces and times of dire straits need and mayhem and madness with novel Global Operating Devices and which be alien tools to some who may be a growing few and many? Do you take Mankind for little more than just a useful fool?
Stand in the way of true progress, in any way, and IT will mow you down like hay in the field, bundle you up and bind you, and feed you as fodder to animals. And that is only natural and quite normal and fully to be expected and welcomed.