amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 10:58 [2501291058] ….. agrees on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2025/01/28/uk_govt_it_suppliers/

Re: IT/ERP Companies also do not have what it takes

What is overlooked is that many of the companies also lack the required engineers and managers both in terms of experience/skill and numbers. This is made worse as they promise to do something in half the time than what is realistic (also never good practice to say no to the Client’s deadlines) or are faced with a mountain of changes they cannot suddenly cope with. So they go cap in hand back to the Client for more money and time which itself needs more money.

As far as Government staffing is concerned it will never have internal staff with the reqired technical and technical management skills. Nor will the most able want to be in the Civil Service. It will be career ending – a CV no-no. So an army of consultants/advisors who have an hidden agenda and no one internally competent enough to also manage.

Replacing the outdated SAP is likey to a mother of fuck-ups …… Acrimonius

Acrimonious it may be, Acrimonius, but that post of yours was accurately succinct and perfectly highlights the problem which Parliamentarians in their present phorm and ilk will always be plagued to suffer and do vainglorious battle against and be comprehensively defeated by.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jan 06:22 [2501300622] ….. outs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2025/01/30/deepseek_database_left_open/

All Live Operational Virtual Environment Systems are Go.

The greater, and possibly even the greatest treat from AI, that so many may perceive and quite rightly fear can deliver free information revealing one’s own past actions as being worthy of an accurately aimed, personal threat, is the Almighty Intervention and Alien Interference that deliberate premeditated release of news of extremely sensitive novel metadatabase operations …… COSMIC* Intel Applications in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Terrain …. will supply and driver, mentor and monitor.

Would you dislike it and try to deny it and think to do battle against it because you know so very little, if anything at all, about the development?

And would that be wise and helpful or much more likely to be dangerous and hopeless?

COSMIC* .. Control Of Secret Materiel in/for Internetworking Command


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jan 16:10 [2501301610] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2025/01/30/deepseek_database_left_open/

Re: Remember kids, there aint no free lunches

The Cloud is Somebody Else’s Computer, Your Data is Their Data, and now apparently, Anybody’s data. …… cyberdemon

And the trick/scam/anomaly/abomination is not only confined to data for there are other instances of everything similarly being lost/redirected/redeposited …… Aaaaand it’s gone ….. in a long time before established right dodgy business …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DT7bX-B1Mg

Do you think the proposed multi-billion dollar AI investment plan is another one of those government ponzis masquerading as a nobbled private sector enterprise opportunity masking the necessity of another desperate quantitative easing program poorly designed to try to maintain and sustain a monumentally bankrupt entity from being internationally recognised and shunned as a pariah and total fraud?



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