amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 05:33 [2501290533] …… airs on
Take a Look into the Mirror and what do you See? A Willowy Stick or a Blundering Blob?
Oh yes, the best way to incapacitate an adversary is indeed not sanctions at all, but to baste it in extreme artery clogging convenience and diabetic sedentarity, with an outsized supply of yummy inexpensive goodies, app-delivered straight to the home (like fiber)! In no time flat, their circumference thickly exceeds the mechanical requirements for intercourse, and the population dwindles naturally, without launching a single conventional weapon, as lunching and lounging take their place instead.
It’s not just very efficient, but also quite enjoyable (if one’s furniture can withstand it)! …. HuBo
Ah yes, HuBo, the Titanic Billy Bunter Root Route …… the epic disarming reward for dismal administrative failure and spectacular executive hubris.
Have an upvote for an amusing reality check, which for one to deny is prevalent and gravely to be regarded, simply delivers more of the same sort of self-destructive remotely controlled grief and hopeless despair.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 08:32 [2501290832] …. shares on
Re: governments failing to protect themselves against resilient cyberattacks[ers]
What part of “defending the indefensible is impossibleā is not understood?