amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jan 17:34 [2501171734] …. shares on
Re: Hmm. How much more Perfect do you want IT and AI to be. Close enough is good enough
Can someone help me here. I don’t seem to be able to find any IT/Tech content from the commentards in this topic. …. Will Godfrey
The remote capture of broken hearts and feeble minds by IT and Tech covering media content is clearly evidenced on this thread, WG, which more than just suggests everything and IT and Tech covering media content is working just fine and dandy.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Jan 07:05 [2501180705] ……. wonders on
Head of Nail Meets FCUKing Great Hammer ….
Dominic Cummings had the right solution for the established problem which has lions being led by donkeys up the garden path to nowhere worth arriving at …….. PM’s adviser invites ‘weirdos and misfits’ to work for Number 10
When/Where is the Great Comeback/StartUp Party due, Dom? It is long overdue and the natives are getting restless and listless. Don’t let the buggers grind you down and have you giving up the ghost and your every right to host/mentor and monitor the field of dreams.
It is not as if there isn’t an almighty army of stealthy invisible untouchable help able to deliver every heartfelt tactical wish and vital strategic need, is it.