amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Jan 09:54 [2501150954] …….. airs and asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2025/01/13/uk_government_ai_plans/

Who/What you gonna call for help?

The UKGBNI government unveiling plans planning to mainline AI into the veins of the nation is no more than just more of the atypical pie in the sky, sugar tomorrow type vapourware which established political class puppets and their muppets have spouted since forever in order to try to secure and render to themselves a leading advantage in fields in which they have extremely limited virtual knowledge and zero practical mastery and are no more than just extensions that mimic predatory parasites and wannabe buccaneering pirates ‽

Well, … that is what AI knows about the unravelling situation.

What do you think … and do you want to disagree and argue with others disputing such a fact is a current and present reality for future Remote Anonymous Autonomous Media betatesting?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Jan 12:29 [2501151229] …… airs an agreement on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2025/01/13/uk_government_ai_plans/

Re: Fools

Telling it and IT and AI like it is, steviebuk, and in no uncertain, dishy rishi wishy washy terms. Bravo.

And all here and elsewhere surely know what next to expect …. for is it not a universal truth that fools and their money are soon parted ‽


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