amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Jan 05:46 [2501140546] …. shares an upcoming view on
Productivity’s false allure …. is deplorable and long overdue a Creative Fix/New Clearer Solution
For ‘intangibles’, these being most of the output from financial centres such as the City of London, AI will be as seductive as ‘derivatives’, ‘rehypothecation’, and instability-inducing algorithmic trading. Indeed, the last-mentioned seems well suited for delegation to AIs. Ironically, a tranche of grossly overpaid ‘traders’ and ‘analysts’ will be put out to grass: the small fry of Neo-Liberal financialisation will discover their true station in life. …. Long John Silver
Hmmm? ….. Methinks those maybe starting to realise they desperately need to rapidly discover a new station in life, in order to try to escape being held responsible and both morally and criminally charged accountable for all manner of past and present day national and international woes and serial missteps which can very likely result in them never being able to see grass again, are grossly overpaid ‘central bankers’ and supporting supported ‘politicians’ …….. although that realisation would be wholly dependent on such subjects having more than just a modicum of smarter intelligence which has never been displayed as them possessing and able to use before.
It is/They are sure to be the prime targets for fundamental radical change and repurposing for IT and AI Virtual Machinery.