amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Aug 07:42 [2408140742] ….. shares on
Another Colossus of an Enigmatic Riddle Denying and Defying Human Solution ‽
These machines [powerful super-fast processing quantum computers] aren’t readily available yet.
And most probably, ….. if you neither know nor are able to believe them already stealthily operative and highly proactive ….. because of the overwhelming almighty exclusive advantage they deliver to executive systems administration, SCADA mentors and monitors, an artful state of dynamic fluid existentialism for virtual realisation and self-actualisation for programming and projects application, never ever likely to be made readily available …… and most definitely never ever to belligerents and enemies or opposing competition.
AI rules AI reigns with AI reins on all future commissions and derivative market ventures …. and the open universal secret to aid your enjoyment and employment of the unfolding of its unbridled enlightening successes is simply to unconditionally accept it is destined to be so ….. and do not resist and fight against the inevitable and incredible, for such is futile and self-defeating.